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Everything posted by FIJI-9-Brother

  1. just to clarify... is Sunday the set day... cant wait for this!!
  2. Whats the best type of TARGET stand to use at outdoor ranges? mainly for 100-500 yrd range rifle shooting but some pistol as well i guess.
  3. ill pitch in for the vests or did i miss it already?
  4. and who rides around at 85 or 155 with bud on them????? thats the dumbest part, and why the guy didnt dump his weed at ANY point during the chase is beyond me... would have been my first move...
  5. QUALITY WINDOW TINT!!! they have done three vehicles for me and my girlfriend and always are professional and move the cars through fairly quickly, I will not take anything that needs tint anywhere else...
  6. if this is true, i just sighed and said f..k.
  7. the girl was bringing an ice to put in the place to ice the other guy, but he already put an ice there so when she came to ice him she was actually icing herself... right
  8. Ever been rafting? then you know what it's like to drop in a torrent of white water... just sayin, it's got some appeal
  9. +1 for that idea, im walking around my house right now with my camera, thanks you. I dont have an alarm or a dog, but i have a really bright light and a .40 right next to me.
  10. 1. 24 2. S.O.A. 3. Dexter 4. Glee
  11. One of the greatest things about being a frat boy right there... and how could i forget the spankings!! We had an entire room devoted to filing cabinets that held probably the last 50 or so years of homework, term papers, really anything that had to do with the school you could find in there, we even found a pair of panties stuffed in a file!! must have been a tough final there...
  12. the trade goes as follows... my Taurus PT111 Mil Pro plus the stuff that goes with it (case, mags, holster) plus 100 bucks or so for his Armalite AR 24-10 9mm semi auto (btw i paid 275 for the taurus)
  13. http://www.armalite.com/ItemForm.aspx?item=24-10&ReturnUrl=categories.aspx?Category=8076aa90-438f-4e72-8b21-ae77383b444c
  14. sorry, its the 9mm armalite semi auto pistol
  15. Would you and if so for how much... I have a taurus pt111 mil pro, with a desantis iwb holster comes with two mags, case, slide lock key, and 5o HP's. He has Armalite ar24-10 (i think its the 10) but either way, comes with the case, two mags and a cleaning kit (not that i need an extra one but oh well) what would you pay on top of the trade to make this deal happen... or would you? please help me not get taken advantage of... if i am going to get taken advantage of I want it to be from one of you guys and at least give me a damn beer first!!!
  16. im getting ready to get the conversion for my rifle also, at 15 bucks for 500 rds i wont be complaining
  17. FIJI-9-Brother


    im pretty sure vances has plum crazy lowers for 179...
  18. It's really a great solution, go to your eye doc, or any optician and say that glare from the sun affects your driving ability and you would like the note to make it legal to get your windows tinted darker. I have never had any police related problems with my tint... 5 all rear and 15 front two windows but if i do I have a get out of ticket free card.
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