It sounds like you are actually understanding what I'm saying, I have no regrets about my tattoo. I could care less if anybody here likes juggalo's or not... I would rather be a little different than conform to society just like everyone else does... Just because I listen to a certain type of music you guys don't understand doesn't mean that I'm a bad person, or that I make bad life choices... It's my life not yours, so ya go ahead make up jokes and hate on the clown kid, must make ya feel great to make fun of a couple of guys that paint their faces and rap. Well those guys are actually pretty smart. They made it from NOTHING they don't get radio or tv airtime. They don't have a major record company backing them, but their albums sell very well and make the billboard charts. They have their own company with several different artists, they have their own clothing, they also have their own wrestling league, and don't forget all of the charity work they do.. so go on ahead make clown jokes we all know how hard that must be.... just remember those "Clowns" have probably achieved more in their life than most of u ever will....