Hey Guys, Today I have a Trailer Mount Condor Stand that I would like to get shipped out. from Condor... "The CONDOR® SC-2000 Trailer-Only Chock is our all-steel version of our Pit Stop, and has all the same capabilities except it is designed for trailer use only. Our patented adjustable cradle fits all bikes from dirt bikes and sportbikes, to cruisers and heavy touring bikes, and anything in between, up to 3,000 lbs. It will work on front and rear tires from 14" to 22" and 80mm to 230mm. The patented locking mechanism effortlessly and securely supports your motorcycle in an upright position on all transportation platforms. Our chock will hold your motorcycle so securely, only one person is needed to load and unload any bike, and only two tie-down straps are required. And you won't damage your sensative suspension parts because you never need to overtighten your tie down straps. The Trailer Only chock attaches and detaches to your trailer in seconds with four wing nuts. You will be amazed at how secure and safe your ride will be once tied down in the CONDOR® wheel chock. The SC-2000 comes complete with all brackets and hardware to mount this unit to your trailer or lift table. The CONDOR® SC-2000 folds down for easy storage and weighs only 26+ lbs. It’s dimensions in the upright position are 9” wide, 25” long and 15” high. Once folded, it becomes 9” wide, 25” long and 7” high. If you don't require the free-standing versatility of the Pit Stop, the Trailer-Only model is the way to go." This unit was taken out of the box, but is otherwise new and has never been mounted or had a bike on it. The original box and packaging comes with it. The retail price is $194.95. The cheapest I could find on Google Shopping this morning was $165.70 https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17541481576542211795?q=condor%20trailer%20chock&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLL_en&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc&biw=1360&bih=663&wrapid=tlif136310237881210&sa=X&ei=vUo_UYPTN4muyQGU1oCwDA&ved=0CF0QgggwAQ# I am offering this today for $145 shipped or best offer. 800-655-1460 -Brian