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Everything posted by Karl

  1. payment sent for backpack and the 1.5L bag sent shipping in second payment cuz i read original message wrong, my bad
  2. how much is shipping on the camelback pack and the bag shipped to 43402?
  3. Karl

    toledo ride

    i might be able to make it out. kinda last min though
  4. didnt feel like reading the other 2 pages so sorry if anyone answered this between 3 and 4. but you cant mess up the meet while gutting a squirrel. they are pretty easy to gut. I have seen 2 methods 1 of which i use. Wet down the squirrel so that the hair doesnt get in the way, cut off the tail and make a horizontal cut in his back (not to deep just to cut the skin and horizontal if he was standing there) then pull it back a little and use the first 2 fingers on each hand to grab the skin and pull. the back end will come off pretty easy and the top will get stuck on the head so cut it off or rip it off. then flip it over and pull out the guts. there isnt much since squirrels are so small. then soak them for while in salt water in the fridge to get all the blood out of them and to prepare them i like to throw a little water in a crock pot and put it on low and let it cook until the meat falls off the bone. method two for cleaning make a small incision on the back under the tail. then grab feet with one hand and step on the tail and pull. that one seems really easy but idk if the tail breaks easily. the method i use is a little hard because the skin is hard to pull off but i would like to try it next time i go out.. btw. if you do start going hunting for squirrels only shoot them in the head or your wasting the whole squirrel pretty much. a body shot is really the only way to mess up the meat and for gutting big game and stuff like dear is a lot better to be there and learn from someone who knows how. the hunters handbook that you get when you get your license has how to do rabbits ducks and deer i believe. I do the same for rabbits as squirrels. but you have to break their legs. But i prefer cutting their back of small game because then you dont nick the guts.
  5. you going to be transfering to bg or you starting as a freshman? if you ever get out here with your bike or need to learn campus/town hit me up

  6. Hey everybody. thought i would take some time to stop by and say hello. little about myself, I am currently 20 and a sophomore at Bowling Green State for computer science. recently new to the bike scene probably been riding for about 4 or so months now. Nothing else i can think of at the moment. Hope to see everyone around and if anyone is out in my area or near here hit me up pics will come when i can remember my photo bucket password :/
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