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Everything posted by Simplysix

  1. Simplysix

    I like

    def. Not what I was expecting, lol
  2. +1 for Caspers comments Those are all very dangerous spots that require attentention, Maybe they will fix them with all the revenue from tickets in the new 55mph spot
  3. Dont know about the knife, but the .380 bodyguard looks badass Glwts
  4. Interested in red, any available? I live off refugee rd and could it up
  5. Bump, Since Justin and the IMS guys are awesome
  6. It was a good time. love the pic Brian
  7. Surprised... not so much still sad though
  8. I think everyone soccermom should have to ride a bike atleast once. And while they are riding, I should be allowed to cut them off on the freeway in my 45 passenger suv. Just so they can see how it feels and maybe learn to check their blind spots more carefully
  9. Best wishes, Get well soon!
  10. What would this mean for android users... End contract with no early term penalty? Free upgrade to non abdroid device? Interesting
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