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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I wish I lived in my parents basement, fucking property taxes are Killin me....whatever dude, you win the flame war, enjoy your prize.
  2. Let us know, I like their packaging, hope it's not the best part of their product.
  3. No, you're just not funny. You're bringing nothing to the table. If you were at least witty or original it would be entertaining to me. I'm no beer snob, I'll drink natty ice or keystone light and smile while I do it, I just have a higher appreciation for beers with flavor. It's cool if you don't get it, it's not your thing...which begs the question: wtf are you doing here?
  4. Another post from someone with nothing to say....
  5. I'm sure you're not the only one...the resistance far out numbers the enlightened. Hoping to get the bike out today and submit a few spots.
  6. I like a good Vienna lager or a marzen....even a pilsner. I also enjoy a good ale. There aren't many beers I don't like.
  7. It's nice if you make a day of it and hit some other points of interest like west side market, great Lakes brewery, market garden brewery, hoffbrau haus....
  8. https://www.ingress.com/intel
  9. R/c motorcycles are gyro stabilized and manage to lean.
  10. I love a good stout. Guiness is ok but there are much better stouts to be had. Nitro milk stout from left hand is excelent, as is Youngs chocolate stout or pretty much anything from samuel smith.
  11. Anyone who knows me would say otherwise. Something tells me you can't recognize a fucking joke when you read one.
  12. I was underwhelmed 2 years ago when I went....I guess the big show is in indy. If there's going to be a large ORDN get together after the show I'd consider going up.
  13. Something tells me you drink bud light and put ketchup on your well done steak.
  14. If you're like me, you were excited for a new beer made by this old brewer. You expected it to be some delicious malty mouthgasm. Don't be like me. This is a $9 6 pack of mediocrity. It's guiness by name only, and even the guiness stout you get here in the states is brewed in Canada from concentrate made in ireland. The blonde is brewed in Latrobe pa...the city that sold out rolling rock to busch. Head retention is nil. Almost no malt flavor. Overpowering cider notes from what I guess is rice or corn adjuncts. Hop notes are bitter and flat, almost no aroma. Very little hops flavor.... Overall it's an overpriced bud ice. If you care about how your beer tastes save your money.
  15. How in the fuck do you have hair AND have more forehead than me? #sixhead
  16. The fzr actually had the best chassis out of all of them. Perfect 50-50 distribution. The motor was good, made like 87 hp to the wheel. Stock suspension was good for the era, as were the brakes. Only complaint I had about mine was the flat spot in the midrange. Pulled great till 3.5k then fell asleep till 7k. Handling was light and lively, very responsive but a little too much feedback on uneven pavement due to soggy damping in the forks...easily fixed with harder springs and a little heavier oil in the forks....still a solid bike, wish I had mine back.
  17. What happens when the gyroscope shits the bed and the driver has to balance the bike?
  18. Be happy about your beard. also taken while shitting.
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