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Everything posted by onyxorca

  1. um, that's why I came here. I thought I could just meet up with somebody at the BMV and take it but no one has said anything yet. Do you have a small bike I can borrow?
  2. no that's not me. i'm in columbus and the accident was near 5th ave and northwest if that helps.
  3. well all of the classes take at least 2 days and the place is a good an hour and half drive so i'll just stay close to columbus.
  4. really? how do they know? which class did you have?
  5. I think the whole ohio is booked up lol. every single county that I looked or within a reasonable distance is full so I can't register if i tried. i'll go to the one in franklin next tuesday if that doesn't work out then the one in delaware the day after.
  6. btw how's the Returning Rider different from the regular basic rider course? and do you just show up or do you have to pay in advance or do something else?
  7. ok, i had no idea about that. I'll give it a try.
  8. i'm not sure of the success rate. do you know the ones in franklin county usually have no-shows and no minors waiting?
  9. I got my ninja 250 back in march after passing the written test and have been riding it almost everyday back when it was still snowing, and kept riding when it rained for 2 month straight. Then came memorial weekend and I was just trying to go to taco bell for lunch when a SUV came out of a small road and stopped in front of me and totaled my bike. It was a blonde woman in a GMC Arcadia (go figure), and she had a stop sign on her side but there wasn't one on my side of the street. She was trying to turn left so she drove out to the street while looking the other way and didn't think there's anything coming this way, except i was right there, so the police gave her a ticket for failing to yield and I went to the ER. Good thing I went home and grabbed my jacket and helmet right before then. Anyway 3 month of waiting and physical therapy later I'm pretty much all back to normal, but I'm still on my permit and the whole Ohio is booked up for their MSF classes for the rest of the year. So I came here and wonder if any one here can just lend me a bike to take the skills test? I'm in columbus and i'll be driving to the site, take the test and drive home. I've thought about this for a while because I don't think I'll be riding anytime soon, not in cities anyway. But I don't wanna waste my money getting the permit, as once you get your endorsement it's there permanently. So I'll just get that and maybe come back to riding when I have more money and have the time to riding out in the country rather than local roads filled with traffic.
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