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About AC2B

  • Birthday 05/29/1986

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  • Vehicles(s)
    '94 Suzuki GS500

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  1. Gloves are on their way to me. Thanks again mcdoggy! Real easy seller to deal with. Wanted to give you a bump and a public thumbs up! Thanks again
  2. Me thinks your sarcasm meter is borked. (I hope...)
  3. This^ An awesome part of my Aerostitch suit is that I constantly forget where I put things because there are so many pockets (yes i put that in the win column.) I can easily carry my phone, wallet, house keys and some snacks and not notice a bit of it while riding.
  4. I had planned on doing a solo ride north of the Coshocton area this Saturday, but if others want to check out those roads I'd be into meeting up before taking the loop I've got planned. In the interest of full disclosure: - I have never been to this area and will probably get lost - I will be riding conservatively (see above) - I expect I will be grinning like an idiot the entire time
  5. Nice. I know nothing about the roads I picked. I just know they look twisty on the map haha. Any good roads down there that I missed?
  6. After Doc's ride, I realized i was missing out on some really good roads by not venturing out a little. I put together a route that i am hoping to take before the end of the year. My goals for the ride: Around 5 hours (leave 8am back by 1pm for the Brownies if I go on a sunday) Good twisties for a learning rider like me Not a ton more than an hour of slab to get there (anymore on the GS is no fun) This is what I put together. Thoughts? I realize I am breaking some of my "rules" with this route. They're more guidelines than rules .
  7. Nice work, Doc. A+ on getting some pretty lights in there too!
  8. Doc, I can't send a link from my phone, but check out Pretty Lights- Finally Moving Remix. It's got samples with lyrics and may be a bit slower than you'd like, but might fit well based on your description. {soon to be added YouTube clip}
  9. I'm glad you passed along the tip doc! I always try to do all my braking before the turn, but was running in too high a gear to really take advantage of any engine braking like I could have. Things smoothed considerably once I dropped it down a gear. Ninja edit: I would be SO down for an OR day at Nelson. I'll start eating ramen tonight if I need to haha
  10. No offense taken at all Josh. The GS is a great learning tool for me. It really forces me to concentrate on being as smooth as possible to maintain corner speed (cause I know damn well I'm not catching anyone on the straights haha). I'm no where near being as smooth as I want to, but can honestly say I rode home a better rider than I was at the beginning of the ride.
  11. That was an interesting way to start the ride haha. I was already moving pretty good (for me and the GS anyway!) trying to "catch up" only to have the whole group show up BEHIND me lol
  12. Got home safe. Ali and I broke off then ended up hooking up with 212W>77N. Got home round 8 and was absolutely wiped out! Thanks for putting this together doc. I had a great time meeting everyone and getting on some awesome roads. Also, a special thanks to anyone who put up with my geriatric pace haha.
  13. Getting the GS some much needed TLC today and I'll be there tomorrow.
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