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Everything posted by Cp09r1

  1. Cp09r1

    IMG 0198

    From the album: 09 r1

  2. Cp09r1

    IMG 0197

    From the album: 09 r1

  3. Cp09r1

    IMG 0196

    From the album: 09 r1

  4. Cp09r1

    09 r1

  5. I was thinking about those too sound is first to me because I'm not really racing my r1 and it's got enough power as it is so I might go with the toce slip ons
  6. Front stand is great and great guy to deal with!
  7. ok sweet thanks ill send him a pm when the time comes.
  8. yeah i have heard good things about the TRC-D and i think it might come with a y pipe for 1100.00 iron pony's web site does not give the most detail it just says 3/4 system
  9. are pc hard to install and do i need to take it somewhere it get installed and tuned right... i believe that pc has something like an auto tune is that going to work for my situation?
  10. If i get a full system am i gonna have to get a power commander? and am i gonna have to get a pc if i just get slip ons?
  11. yeah i might just end up doing that ... ive got all winter to save up and think what i am going to do.
  12. Ok so for my winter project I am looking to put new slip ons on my 09 r1 and am not sure which ones are the best... things im looking for is great sound, better performance, decent price. right now i am kinda torn between yosh trc-d, or a set of carbonfiber akras... any comments and advice would be nice ... im really not looking to spend more than 1200.00 thanks!
  13. I'll trade my 09 r1 straight up for it with all the extras
  14. I could but I got to be home by 2 pm cause I got work
  15. 80 plus shipping or pickup
  16. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    Very nice video can't wait till next season
  17. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    Oh yeah hoblick nice meeting u too I'll send you a pm sometime about the powder coating
  18. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    Just got home guys the ride was good
  19. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    My dad and I are leaving from the Polaris area now see u guys soon
  20. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    Ok excellent this should be great!
  21. Cp09r1

    Sunday 11/6 ride

    Should I invite my dad he has a 2011 vrod and he is a beginner rider .. What kind of speed and turns will we be riding?
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