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Posts posted by cobrat

  1. Saturday after thanksgiving was looking like the last rideable day of the month on the weather map, so decided to get out and head west towards Oxford and vicinity.

    The Multistrada, Big Red, gets the nod for the days ride:


    Out along the Great Miami, you can find a few twisties:


    And you can catch a covered bridge (1 of 2):


    You can find evidence of alien architecture:


    Headed over to Hueston woods, starting with a view of the lake:


    There is a nice little mountain bike trail, with a nice trail head spot:



    And the nature center has some great big birds. A few of my favorites:

    Red tail hawk:


    This old vulture has been in captivity since 1976!


    Owl in the house~!


    And always have to say hello to the old cougar, Cougie!


    Getting close to lunch time, so a quick trip to Oxford for a bit of Indian curry. Ordered the Chicken Tikka Saag, (no picture, creamed cooked spinach is non photogenic...) and asked him to make it spicy, I like it hot!

    It was very tasty and about a 4 out of 6 on the hot (edible hot) scale. The cook came out and asked if I liked it and said it was a little mild. He went back to the kitchen and brought out a little hot sauce he made and it was very very tasty and nice n hot! Had to cool it down a little with the yogurt>


    Full of curry and flaming belly, its off to find a few more interesting bits in the area.

    A bit of twisty:


    Cool one lane steel bridge:


    The sky has cleared up and its getting a bit windy. Some weather is blowing in so maybe it's time to turn around:


    So a bit more twisty:


    And, 2 of 2 covered bridges, this one in use:


    And a final bit of twisty while heading homeward:


    Great day out, nice weather, nice sights, good food. Good times!

  2. Turbos are awesome! Get you some...especially if someone else (dad) is buying!

    You will laugh out loud everytime you hit the throttle.

    Make sure you have a good tune though...and plenty of fuel. I would get somebody like Brian to make sure you were in good shape there and not blow it up first time on boost.

  3. Hey, we did have fun! Nice and cool in the morning -- 35 degrees. But sunny all day and it quickly warmed up. The layers kept coming off all day. Great ride , good company, new friends -- doesn't get any better than that!

    Thanks Greg for taking lead and setting a great route for us.

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