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Posts posted by DrewsBrews

  1. Yes DIY is possible. And as long as you have more foam you can glue more on if you mess something up and cut too much off. Foam isn't exactly cheap though. I did mine and put new vinyl on. I was surprised how well I could get the vinyl to contour without needing to sew. Because of the minimum orders I have more foam and vinyl than I needed so I should have enough to do another seat if you are interested.






  2. Looks neat. Never been to any sort of conference like that. Pretty relevant to my current position actually.

    Sounds like an oppertunity to save some gas with the EX, but slabbing for that long wouldnt be so fun.

  3. Thinking of ditching the targa lower and either rocking it half nakey, or picking up a factory one. Any kawi 500 riders interested in a trade?

    By this point I'm pretty satisfied, and only have small tweaks to do on the bike.

    - After hooking up all the lights I noticed the tail light is always on. 0_o I don't think it was doing that before.

    - The extra height provided by the shock has the chain more slack and dragging at the front of the swingarm.

    - Reroute the clutch cable because it's binding on the fairing in a turn.

    - I think the right hand bar is slightly bent downwards.. I know the fairing is tweaked slightly so that might just make the bar look tweaked instead. need to get another pair of eyes on it... or just measure it from a ref. point I suppose.

    - Finish up maintinance: flush coolant, run some seafoam in the tank, change plugs, do the infamous ex500 "FOG mod" to the carbs/airbox, sync the carbs.

  4. Got the upper wrapped. Then spent the evening in the storage unit hallway today to keep out of the wind.



    I suppose it's obvious I've started working on the seat. I'm going for a touring saddle. This was after the basic shaping and test fit. All I have onhand at the moment is a freakin sharp bread knife. will need to find my angle grinder to do the finer shaping.



  5. I've got an m44. and amazingly it's actually got a butter smooth bolt. no hammering needed.

    When folks at the private plinking range get too complacent with their ARs I whip out the mosin and blow the targets off the line with backstop debris. That, and the concussion that it lets out has everyone scurrying away from the firing line.

    If I have one suggestion it would be get a carbine version like the m44. The long barrel ones feel like you are holging up 300lb. And, well another suggestion... don't fire it bench rest. much pain can be had from that steel but plate.

  6. Did a lawn job in my father's maxima once. 5mph around a right turn was still too fast, was plowing straight towards a mailbox. whipped the wheel the other direction and missed it by inches on the passenger side but was now in the front yard.. kept steady power to keep momentum and was able to turn it around pull it back out on the road in 10in of snow. I thought for sure I was atleast going to get stuck. Nothing like the rush from being so screwed but pulling your ass out of it!

    I like snow and inclimate weather.. focuses the mind, flexes those survival instincts.

  7. Most everything is back on the bike. I've got the seat off since I plan to rework it a bit. My LED dimmer for the mirror signals works with my 13.5v power supply, but not on the bike. The signals also flash normal when the bike is off, but "hyperflash" when the engine is running. Odd since I've got normal wattage bulbs front and rear, the leds just supplement. Will have to troubleshoot.


    Inching closer to a "together" looking bike. Been working on repairing the upper fairing this week. Plastifix is pretty neat stuff. Today I bondoed it up then hit it with some primer right as the snow started. The side in the pic is the one that received 90% of the work. I read today that bondo can crack on plastic. Oah well if it does, it does. It shouldn't show under the vinyl quite as badly as paint would.


  8. Rode it around a bit on Sunday. Not sure if it's the new grips/weights or the exhaust but low RPM seems smoother. A little concerned by the preload setting on the sv650 shock. It's two notches up, about 1/4" more compression than the minimum. I'd like to see how it is with less. Think a flathead screwdriver and a hammer would be able to rotate it? or would that likely just pop off the nub?

  9. MPG is a little lower, but you also might look at the dodge Nitro

    I got a 4x4 nitro because they are capable and inexpensive on the used market. It's based on truck tech though so I get 17mpg avg on the stoplight filled backroads to and from work.

  10. Since installing them I've only idle/reved it, and putted around the storage facility once. These engines have a very nice tone that is totally masked by the factory silencers. Sofar I'm impressed with it. Delkevic's dyno sheet shows slight gain in midrange but a slight loss in top end.

  11. The the secret to using bars like that is cross your arms lol. Takes a while to get used to ;)

    Here's some shots of the split



    Someone suggested replacing the brake line. I figured that was a good idea on a bike that's getting close to the 20 year mark. Found a guy on ebay who makes sleeved stainless lines to your dimensions for a very respectable price. Based on the color of the old fluid I doubt it was ever changed. Pads still had life left on em, but one was wearing a little more than the other so I re-lubed the slide pins.


  12. Relax, don't worry have a homebrew! ;)

    It's a "Papazianism".

    I'd say keep it on the counter so you can watch it work. In 12-24hrs the sugar feast will begin.

    Seriously though, as a good first book, check out "(The complete) joy of homebrewing" I picked up the second edition at half priced books for a few bucks.

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