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Posts posted by baptizo

  1. The BF4 launch wasn't just PS4, I have it for PC and it's still fucked.


    I'm on the fence about a PS4. I want to pick up a new console but there's not many games that I want to play for it right now, Also, Xbox live blew PSN out of the water last time around as far as features and ease of use go. There's no way in hell I'm paying $500 for an Xbox one though.


    I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers - they still haven't been resolved?  Unreal.  I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.  

  2. Bad, I think you're a Madden fan like myself and aside from the amazing graphics/improved gameplay with the PS4 version (should be identical on the X1), I just discovered something I didn't expect. 


    Yesterday I was playing one of my created guys  - a QB - and the game froze up late in the 4th qtr on a scoring drive.  


    Typically, that means everything is lost, right?  Nope, not with the new gen console - my game was saved in-game and I picked up right where it left it off!!!  


    Now, that is the first good news I've had with this damn PS4 after getting booted from more BF4 servers. 

  3. I'm getting a X1 eventually but the only games I play online are BF and COD - COD has been smooth as hell, no complaints.  


    BF4 has been a disaster and I only just got online tonight after it telling me for 3 days that I needed to activate my PSN+ account (it has been since Friday).  


    I think Sony fubar'ed part of it but the BF4 launch on the 360/PC/PS3 was a total fubar'ed POS (and might still be) but the PS4 version on a whole different level of pathetic.

  4. Okay, it's been a few days since launch - has anyone picked up a PS4?  Mine came via Amazon but had all of my games and extra controller early from them.  




    What are your impressions? 


    Mine:  Graphically amazing with an okay interface but the launch was a fucking fubar'ed mess and BF4 was the worst on this one than it was on the 360.  I had to install the 1.50 launch date update via my USB stick.  


    I just got online tonight for the first time in BF4 and it was 50/50 getting into a stable server (forget about Conquest, it isn't working).  


    Ghosts, OTOH, has been a blast both on the PS4 and 360.  



  5. Okay, so I couldn't wait to mod the ugly AK74 - Ultimak upper rail gas tube, MFT polymer lower (modified to fit), Magpul AFG, Hogue grip, VLTOR AK receiver extension w/ Magpul CTR.



  6. New consoles support 32 vs 32 I think


    Per a review on Game Trailers, they mentioned 64 online players per match so that must be true.  Can you imagine the carnage with that many knuckledragger's?  That's going to be insane.

  7. Ah, yeah, that reminds me - my local GS had me on a list but never called.  


    No biggie, I'm more excited about the PS4 and checking out Ghosts on the 15th.  I'm already playing BF4 on the 360 and love it.  

  8. I have a PS4 pre-ordered for delivery on the 15th but couldn't find an X-BOX ONE any earlier than Dec. 31st on Amazon.  


    My extra PS4 controller has already arrived from Amazon and it is so much nicer than the PS3 version.  


    Where did you find the X-BOX ONE?

  9. Oh but the NSA can spy on US citizens and world leaders across the globe.


    That's your idea of competence?  Private firms could do it better and cheaper like everything else vs.bullshit intel on people who aren't criminals or terrorists (that would be us).  


    And they're doing it illegally through unconstitutional legislation going back to the Clinton administration.  If we do something illegal and are caught red-handed, we go to jail.  They, on the other hand, continue to do what they do because of their misguided interpretation of federal power and authority.  


    Bullies are not smart and they're not good at anything but being a bully.  Like I said, they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag yet we continue to let them run rough shod over us because we're too damn comfortable as a society with everything "status quo" to say enough is enough and we're hitting the reset button on this sham of a Federal government.  

  10. For $599? Not bad, wonder how the $650 ones look?


    Going by some photos I've seen on the CF and AK Files websites, they're basically shiny and typically not dinged/scratched/mismatched like the grade B versions.  


    I'm still impressed with the build quality and the only issue I've identified is the gas tube release lever is way too tight.  Outside of that issue, it'll need to be fired a lot to loosen up it up like a three dollar whore.  

  11. The WW AK-74 arrived today and it is so much nicer than my M+M 47.  It is very nicely put together,  much easier to tear down, and oh yeah, no canted front sight!  


    The wood furniture, albeit mismatched with respect to color/grain, is actually in very good condition, in my opinion, and I'm not going to refinish them.  Seems I ordered the wrong Ultimak upper rail w/out the holes but it can go on another 47 at some point since I've decided to get another one built better than the M+M.  

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