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Posts posted by NDspd

  1. Absolutely!  It looks like there's gonna be some seriously good riding weather coming up this week.  Lemeno.

    Yeah I saw that, pretty cool. If I do go out for a ride I may have to take it easy, my front forks need some serious TLC.

  2. Started doing video work for him last November and now I'm doing a secret project for him now. It just happened that he needed a second hand to help with the tuning and such. Originally I was just there to film things.


    He's a really cool guy with a wealth of information. If I ever want to upgrade, tune or tweak a bike I will go to him.

  3. I would have to agree with Bad324...I'd recommend holding off on this CBRcharles. Get some good experience in at your own pace rather than pushing yours if you are with us. There will be more than enough rides throughout the year, so no worries. Like the others I don't want to sound mean, but we've all been in your position at one time. 


    Try starting out in some smaller couple person group rides and build up from there. Also focus on basic riding skills and as time goes on slowly increase riding level.



    ***Back on topic, I hope I can make it on this trip, work is kind of sketchy schedule wise.

  4. So I live just north of Dayton and I am trying to find some good roads or twisties to practice on. Do any of you know of some good routes to take around here that I can play on? I don't mind traveling a bit to get to them.





  5. It was my pleasure, if I need service work or anything else for that matter I'll go to you guys. The fact you all work on such a variety of bikes and your servicing capabilities are so vast is just amazing. I really hope you guys can get a bigger place with storefront, you really need it.

  6. Let me know if you'd like to take a look.

    Price is $4500 for Ohio riders.

    I'm not going to act like this aprilia is brand new - perfect, because its not. It is nice, runs and rides great, looks good, and has many miles left in it. It is priced accordingly for the cosmetic flaws, mileage, and overall wear an year for an 8 tear old motorcycle.


    From the photos it looks to be in good condition, but we'll see more when I come by later.

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