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Everything posted by gsxkat1100

  1. I'm sensing a theme today redbarron. Did someone take your parking spot this morning?
  2. Checked out their website, no love for Suzuki Katanas?
  3. CSC, we can pool all of our parts together and he would be able to build a Frankenstein bike.
  4. I have some old junk carbs with parts broken off in them from a PO, if you get the parts from csc, I will throw mine in too.
  5. CSC, a bar? Not close to me, is it? Back on topic, I paid for my whole wedding excluding the DJ as previously noted, and the wife's dress, which her parents picked up. Close friends or relatives with the correct paperwork helps too. Our officiator, who I have known for most of my years, performed our ceremony for a hot cup of black coffee and a slice of our cake.
  6. I got married 9 years ago on the 30th of this month. We rented a small hall in my hometown, made all the food ourselves, and my brother paid for the DJ. Not including her dress, I had less than 1k in it. We only had about 50 guests, because I'm not a people person. But, in my opinion, it was just right. We kept all the drinking for the reception over at my in law's place where her step dad bought all the booze. THAT was perfect.
  7. I'm just going to fuck with my wife. I think it will be fun even if it is all bullshit. I'm still not sure if I believe or not.
  8. My brother and I took a daytime tour through Mansfield penitentiary maybe 15 years ago, while going past the solitary area, we held back from the group. The cell that was used in shawshank was right where we slowed down, so we took a look. My brother walked toward the back of the room as I was walking through the doorway. Once I was clear of the doorway, it shut. I didn't fucking touch it. It took the employees almost an damn hour to figure out how to unlock the door. Creepy as fuck. I offered to pay for an overnight hunt for him, but he "politely" declined. I laughed my ass off the whole time.
  9. So my awesome neighbor Got me two tickets to an overnight ghost hunt at a haunted theater. I was just wondering who has any interest/fascination in this as I do. Link to lock in http://meetaghost.com/ Sounds like a ton of fun, and if the wife doesn't chicken-shit out, will be quality time with her.
  10. If you read the first post, you would know that Sam has no kids. Tyton is basically his child. If you were to lose a child, how would you feel?
  11. Just a quick question, would this be able to be titled? GLWS.
  12. Thanks for the kind words Sam. When he's done tearing those up, I may be able to find more squeakers for him.
  13. He makes some good points. http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/why-no-one-will-sell-you-the-bike-you-want-1641411378
  14. The key for the 1100 isn't going to do any good until I get the carbs done, but you are free to come take the spare key.
  15. I will store it for you if you want to bring it up to me and leave the keys
  16. Yeah, you only like to mess with newer riders that have never rode with you to make them look slow.
  17. Sorry to hear this. I will stop by with some treats for him.. I know this day is coming for turbo too....
  18. Decided to go a little more out of town to Heath. Found a nice place for 92 a night. 1/2 hr to museum, 1/2 hr to the pony. 2 hrs to home so the kids can sleep like they always do.
  19. I rode to work today too! For future reference, I need REAL cold weather gear. 5:30 am and 44 degrees sucks with no fairings.
  20. Yeah, I have never heard Easton as being cheap. I was kind of hoping for a local place around Pickerington that could be pool-less. I don't care if it has a pool or not, it's going to be fucking NOVEMBER for god sakes! I have concluded that I may have to spend a bit more, was just hoping to find some local secrets.
  21. I saw those on the hotel sites, but I wanted to get a little farther out of town than that. Thanks for the quick reply though!
  22. My wife has decided to let ME pick what I want for my birthday, so I want to go to the motorcycle museum since it's been 20 years for me and the wife and kids have never been. I looked at the horrible "find a hotel" sites and don't like anything on them. I want to stay outside of 270, around Pickerington would be perfect. I'm going to continue my search, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? The wife says since we are staying overnight to make a weekend of it, (I'm gonna hit the pony on the way back) she wants an indoor pool at the hotel. I'm on a budget, so it would be awesome under 100 bucks, but I'm prepared to go to 120 for the right place....I'm a cheap ass. Also, if anyone knows some other places that kids might like that are close, that would be appreciated as well. Just keep in mind it will need to be inside since this will be taking place the weekend of Nov. 8-9.
  23. Given the recent history of the entire area that also encompasses my neighborhood, I agree with what was done. I have been known to do basically the same thing on several occasions as well. There have been less issues since as well, at least up the road from crusher where I live.
  24. I also have the header pipe with both cats if you want that. If you don't want it, I'm might cut it up and modify for a different bike.
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