My wife has decided to let ME pick what I want for my birthday, so I want to go to the motorcycle museum since it's been 20 years for me and the wife and kids have never been. I looked at the horrible "find a hotel" sites and don't like anything on them. I want to stay outside of 270, around Pickerington would be perfect. I'm going to continue my search, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? The wife says since we are staying overnight to make a weekend of it, (I'm gonna hit the pony on the way back) she wants an indoor pool at the hotel. I'm on a budget, so it would be awesome under 100 bucks, but I'm prepared to go to 120 for the right place....I'm a cheap ass. Also, if anyone knows some other places that kids might like that are close, that would be appreciated as well. Just keep in mind it will need to be inside since this will be taking place the weekend of Nov. 8-9.