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Posts posted by namtugeoj

  1. here is the video link it didn't show up before http://www.youtube.com/user/ConneautVision

    Cool vid, Those seem bright, Compared to the garage light in the background. I am thinking the strips are going to be what I get. I was looking at the micro magic LEDs. Wanting to just do the engine so probably 2 micro 9 led strips or more. I am having a hard time judging what should be a good amount to get to provide enough light. Don't need it to blind people yet don't want it to be too dim that its not worth it. Do I need to get the Micro voltage stabilizer?

    Here is a link to what I'm looking at.


  2. If you buy from custom dynamics it's easy it comes with little wiring blocks all positive wires go into one block all negative into another then connect block to switch & battery or you can get remote which is still piece of cake to hook up. You can also order the adhesion promoter from them like $1.89 a pack but get several because once opened it evaporates fast.

    Good deal. Looking at their site them seem to be reasonably priced. Now to decide on what color. And which "package" or individual item.

  3. Not the best but you can see them some in the one video they are a set Bad324 was selling from http://www.customdynamics.com/ the one thing I highly suggest is getting better 3m tape I got mine at home depot it was the extreme tape or look for 3m VHB and I used 3m adhesion promoter comes in kit and I bought some more at auto body supply store. I guess they would probably make you more visible I run them pretty much anytime it's dark.

    Cool, Thanks for the heads on the 3M tape. Ill check it out and im guessing installation is a easy process? Or is there something I should know to make things easier, Besides getting better tape.

  4. I was thinking LEDs yet typed neon, made the correction in OP. Either way thanks for the info and the link to the powerlet site. I will check it out.

    Conn-e-rot do you leave yours on going on the highway? Do you think it aids in being more visible while on the road? With the sun rise getting later and later i'm on the road while it is still dark longer.

    Before doing more research on brands what do you think is the best for the price to go with regardless of color? Not looking to hook my whole bike up with them, just looking to show off the awesomeness of her.

  5. Looking into getting some LEDs for the shadow. Talking with my pop's he made the statement that he thinks my stator may not be able handle it. Is there a sure fire way to know or test if my stator will handle the extra load with out actually putting on the extra load? Or is it something where you have to try it and see what happens?

  6. he would have probably got closer to 400-450 in scrap....but it sold anyways, so n/a

    last time i scrapped a car the going rate was 290/ton, im guessing that thing probably weighs around 2800-3k? maybe? lol

    I have a 98 k1500 chevy scottsdale. The thing is a beast. not sure the weight on her but appears to be heavy as hell.

  7. Had that feeling before except it was some dude up my ass on 70 stopping an inch or two away from my exhaust tips when traffic in front was stopping fast. Then he passed me and gave me the look like I was the asshole. Could have squeezed out some diamonds my cheeks were so tight.

  8. all the fork lock does is keep honest people honest. thats it.

    if someone wants your bike bad enough, the fork lock is not going to deter them AT ALL, and having it locked is not going to take them any more time at all... they will just pick up front wheel, throw bike in van/truck and its gone.

    just like this:

    skip to about 3 minutes to see the actual stealing.

    I know that the locked forks would not be a deter for thieves, make it more difficult. But watching the video i would like to think my cruiser is heavier than a crotch rocket. Scary none the less.

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