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Posts posted by red1993sol

  1. Very sexy Beemer!


    what are you doing with the crate? a friend of mine not only made a bar top with the crate, he used the remaining wood to make a skin for his basement fridge....... I wish I had photos but if you really want some, I can get some for you!


    Ride safe, see sig :)


    Interesting! I left the dealer have it I didn't want to mess with it I had no use for it . I could get it ifi wanted it my best friend is the master tech there

  2. Well I pulled the trigger and got a 2014 bmw s1000rr. I picked it up on Friday and love it so far. I need to get to the 600mi first service to get the rev limiter lifted . Still very quicker for what it is currently. Planning on doing a full akraopovic system, fender eliminator , levers and a few other small bits . Enough of the talk time for the pictures






  3. Well I pulled the trigger and got a 2014 bmw s1000rr. I picked it up on Friday and love it so far. I need to get to the 600mi first service to get the rev limiter lifted . Still very quicker for what it is currently. Planning on doing a full akraopovic system, fender eliminator , levers and a few other small bits . Enough of the talk time for the pictures














  4. Hey guys like the title says I'm looking for some s1000rr owners. I'm looking to order one in the next few weeks and would like to ask a few questions pertaining to the bikes. If you have any insight into these please let me know and I'll pm you some questions if your willing to help. It's much appreciated thanks

  5. Hey guys looking at getting one in the next week or so. Was wondering if anyone on here has one I could ask a few questions. I know this forum is geared more for cars but figured I'd ask on here and ohio riders forum. Thanks
  6. Hey guys I don't post much but figured I'd get some input. The girlfriend drives a good amount , puts 150 miles a day give or take . Well it's time for some new tires and wondering what you guys have had good luck with. Looking for something that will last and not wear out to quickly. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
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