I was looking for a merc switch for my hard bed cover on the truck to activate leds when lifted. one of the reviews was from this guy and i thought it was a really cool idea because i too do alot of engine braking.... My motorcycle, has a lot of engine braking, so I'm often slowing down just on throttle without touching the brakes. That means I'm open to getting rear ended by an in-attentive driver. Conventional wisdom is to touch the brake pedal when doing this, but it's easy to forget to do that. I installed this with one wire to the battery +ve, and the other tapped into the normal brake light power wire, near the brake light. I stuck the sensor on the top of my rear mudguard, under the pillion seat, at a rough 25 degree angle. Now my brake light comes on whenever I slow am slowing down, whether or not am using the brakes. Here is the switch link http://www.amazon.com/Parts-Express-Mercury-Tilt-Switch/dp/B0002ZPBKM%3FSubscriptionId%3D0DWX0HJVE7AWX9HF4X82%26tag%3Dpricedumper-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0002ZPBKM