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Everything posted by Bearcat91

  1. ooh yea typhoon or syclone would be bad ass!as far as the jeep talk....jeep srt8 http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=45342&endYear=2013&keywordPhrases=srt8&startYear=1981&makeCode1=JEEP&listingType=used&listingTypes=used&firstRecord=126&sellerTypes=b&searchRadius=0&mmt=[JEEP[][]]&listingId=312769647&Log=0
  2. My boss is selling his 05 evo 8 for around 20k but has close to 100k miles its stoopid clean though
  3. Ha! thats awesome! it almost makes me want one almost...still ugly as hell
  4. I was looking for a merc switch for my hard bed cover on the truck to activate leds when lifted. one of the reviews was from this guy and i thought it was a really cool idea because i too do alot of engine braking.... My motorcycle, has a lot of engine braking, so I'm often slowing down just on throttle without touching the brakes. That means I'm open to getting rear ended by an in-attentive driver. Conventional wisdom is to touch the brake pedal when doing this, but it's easy to forget to do that. I installed this with one wire to the battery +ve, and the other tapped into the normal brake light power wire, near the brake light. I stuck the sensor on the top of my rear mudguard, under the pillion seat, at a rough 25 degree angle. Now my brake light comes on whenever I slow am slowing down, whether or not am using the brakes. Here is the switch link http://www.amazon.com/Parts-Express-Mercury-Tilt-Switch/dp/B0002ZPBKM%3FSubscriptionId%3D0DWX0HJVE7AWX9HF4X82%26tag%3Dpricedumper-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0002ZPBKM
  5. I have to work as well! 8p-1a thursday then 8a-5p on friday...gonna suck! but on the side note, If any one is looking for a good deal on a verizon att or sprint cell phone Ill be a target in Beechmont
  6. gracias! Dont see many of the 3 and 4 gen. I like yours too! i mentioned before i am very envious of the corbin seat!!!
  7. VFR 750! awesome even power from idle to red line. last for ever mines at 40k+ and been seen to run over 100k+ easy. parts are a lil harder to find but they are out there
  8. Awesome bikes! and a good deal! I want one of those seats...GLWS
  9. Hey everybody, I realize this is an Ohio thread but a few friends of mine are doing a benefit show to help with the families from the south side indy explosion http://www.wthr.com/story/20064503/homes-flattened-in-south-indianapolis-explosion Here is a link for the face book group http://www.facebook.com/events/439818046065358/440111389369357/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity Ill be leaving from the fairborn area if any one else wants to join in. Thank you
  10. http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff442/Geoffrey_Lowe/2012-03-19_18-22-51_9.jpg
  11. Thank you! Been cruising around parking lots and our apt complex to get a good feel for the bike. I like it and it seems very cumfy! Also the Vtwin and micron is sexy as hell!
  12. Got my first bike Monday, 1995 Honda vfr750! I love it!!!!
  13. Got your PM but it wont let me reply for 120 min...email me or text me 937-903-9121
  14. my Droid (like the first droid aka the brick!) froze up occasional. My droid bionic...not one problem and i love the android market! also i got the extended battery it last 2 days easy!
  15. Return to stock and sell for suggested price...then sell aftermarket parts for a lil more $$ at least thats what i did with my car haha worked well too
  16. screw it i want it! send me some pics of the screw your talking about adkinsgy@mail.uc.edu are you talking about the terminals for the speaker wires?
  17. Well im pretty sure im going to get a 92 FJ1200...My dad has an 87. Father and son with the same bike..sounds like a good time to me! Plus all I hear is good things about these bikes.
  18. This is very tempting! i only have an 800 watt max amp though wouldnt do much lol
  19. Haha i root for both, but if they were to play each other in any sport i would choose UC. Gotta represent the C Also Uc football is coming around...should be a good season!
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