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Posts posted by Turbotom09

  1. Thanks for a good reply! Maybe I will hold off and try to find something...are there any specific ones to look for? Agv? Any to stay away from at all costs?

    Id really like to take this completely serious, and safety is #1. That being said i also dont want to spend $1500 on a brand new top notch suit, i just want to be protected. Thanks again. I dont do bj's for payment, maybe a rj though:supergay:

  2. Im 5'7" about 160ish...i wear like a 30-32 waist. A 30 is snug and a 32 is a bit loose, my gun fills the gap.

    I would definitely like to find a really nice used 1 piece, but these are right here in front of me with no searching around lol.

    What are the weak spots/downsides to these?

  3. No doubt! It would really be a good road if it was all paved. Except earlier this year i came off of 571 and there was a semi with a trailer going about 25. So once i could see down the hill i passed. He decided he didnt like that and came into the left lane trying to push me in the ditch. Id never taken that first corner so fast before lol.

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