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Posts posted by Mary#17

  1. The nav. portion is OK. It does learn your frequent routes but I have found it to take you interesting ways on occasion. Having said that, I really like the traffic notification and police feature. It's been super useful for that and easily makes it worth using for those features alone.


  2. Race gas for track days is a total waste of money. I'd spend the money on suspension, better gear and more track days. We typically only brought the race gas out for special races like the GNF. I haven't raced in like 6 years and it was atrociously expensive back then, I can't imagine what it costs now!


  3. If you are going to be down this way and heading toward gallipolis I'd check out 233 and 554, 775, 790, and 218. Havn't made it to some of them on the south end of them, but north side of most of them wasn't bad about a month ago.

    Hi Josh,

    I've modified my route and now include all of those except for 554. Thanks for the other suggestions before as well. I replied to your PM but I"m never sure if they go through or not. Thanks again.


  4. Hello all,

    Thanks to some suggestions by others, I want to try some roads south of 56 next trip out.

    I'm looking at taking:

    93 south of 56

    141 n to Gallipolis

    160 N

    I'll be starting off around Hocking area and ending at Athens unless somebody has any nice hotel suggestions in this area. Thanks for the suggestions in advance!


  5. My husband (then boyfriend) taught me to drive stick and to ride. I would suggest you not use your bike. Get a junky bike that you don't care if it gets dropped and you'll both feel better. Once she is comfortable, then pick out the bike that she wants for good.

    Dropping a bike when you are first learning to ride is inevitable.


  6. I just read on another forum that 536 is newly paved,has anyone been over there in the last week or so?

    I've got to go check this out,probably Sunday before I can get over there.If this is true it is great news.

    Now that would be nice! That's a great ride.


  7. The deal was too good to pass up so I bought them. They work pretty darn well. At first we were a little nervous about zero tie downs but there really isn't any way for the bikes to move. Very nice system.


    On a side note, I have 2 axle mounts for Suzuki's if anybody is interested make me an offer.


  8. I hear what you are saying but I'm over 2 hours away from southern ohio and any of the good roads. Even the Coshocton area is a good 1.5 hours away. I have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr. old and my time is really limited (as are babysitters) so I try hard to make sure the roads we ride are good ones. My adventure days will come again when they are older.


  9. I use an even lower tech device: 2" wide painters tape & a sharpie for shorthand directions on the tank. Maps are dangerous for on the fly nav.

    I had considered that but it's not unusual for me to have 20 roads planned (sometimes more if I'm really optimistic) but I think that's a good alternative too. I'm pretty happy with this set up. We didn't get too lost this last time around and a lot less stopping to figure out what was next on the trip.


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