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Posts posted by shadyflyer

  1. that said if you have thin skin act like an ass hat and think you are not going to get called on it on the internet then yes we have have issues with cruiser riders, squids, yut uggh wannabies, cafe racer wrecks waiting to happen in a 70's era sparkly helmet, and lastly anyone who cant take a joke.

    Agreed that some friendly ribbing is par for the course, and even expected. However, it often goes beyond that.

    Remember threads like this one, this one, and even this one?

    Even friendly 'ol Magley64 helps to antagonize!

  2. there are a few people who dislike them, I just find them pointless...

    If i had no other option, I'd ride a cruiser.

    That's my point. I think that sport bikes are incredible silly, too. But, I don't take the opportunity to mention that every time somebody starts a thread relating to a sport bike.

  3. I think that is a more specific subforum. Like people that race, or do tricks or whatnot. I believe that riding style is refering to what you prefer to do with your bike, not the kind of bike you ride. Your thinking of bike style(cruiser, chopper, rocket, standard etc...)

    Well, not really. it is a different kind of riding, too. We "prefer to do" different things with those bikes, too. In addition, there is a sub-forum for dirt bikes and off-road bikes, too. So, that counter-argument doesn't hold water.

    I would not make that giant leap to say that cruiser riders aren't wanted. Asshats aren't wanted. Cruisers are fine.

    No, Asshats abound here. I know that often we don't see our friends through clear eyes, but there are tons of them here. In the short time that I've been here, I've witnessed a couple of people get run off the forums because they did a different kind of riding than others do. "I don't do that, and my friends don't do that, and we don't want to be a part of your stupid parade". That's pretty much what it sounds like!

    If I sold my bike and bought a cruiser today, I guarantee people on here would treat me with the exact same level of disrespect.

    Well, most people aren't going online to look for "respect" from forum members. Usually, they're looking to learn more, share ideas, meet people, etc. Is the issue that it's more of a "closed community", where forum members have to "prove" themselves somehow before they get said respect?

  4. So, I've learned how a lot of forum members feel about cruisers, and those that ride them. But, I notice that there isn't a sub-forum for cruising in the "Riding Styles" section. So, and is it safe to assume that the cruiser-types aren't wanted here?

  5. That is during the speech that doesn't include any areas that will be shut down while he is en route

    How many other pilots do we have on here?

    Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

  6. the key to not having your post ridiculed is not going around and telling people about all the drinking you're going to do during the ride.

    also, adding "with all due respect" at the end.

    also, unless someone is riding a 125cc beast from the depths of hell, nobody has to worry about being on the smallest bike there. if we're doing a ride that involves highways or going over 45-50mph, i probably can't join lololol

    Riiiight. Gotcha! LOL

  7. Silent Feet is when someone in the stall hold the belief that nobody who hears you poop can ever know who you are, on pain of death. So they will wait in the stall until everyone else has left, waiting as long as it takes. When two sets of silent feet try to wait each other out you get a silent feet stalemate.


    I know a cat that holds his feet up while he's on the toilet in public restrooms because he's afraid that when he exits, somebody might recognize his shoes and know that it was him.

  8. I'm a pilot, and spend a lot of time in airports, so I can't avoid public heads. But, I do prefer the handicap-accessible ones! Lots of room to keep an eye on my train of luggage I'm rolling everywhere I go.

    As a side-note, I have NEVER punched a grumpy in an airplane lavatory. Fuck that shit . . .

    • Upvote 1
  9. I just thought it was counterproductive to be exclusionary based on the type/size of motorcycle members were allowed to ride. :dunno:

    Well, there are lots of clubs and organizations that are exclusionary. They're not saying that everybody else is a poo-poo head. . . they're just outlining requirements for membership, just like the VFW or the Boy Scouts. No reason to be personally hurt because they don't want you.

    Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk

  10. did anyone go and how was it ?

    I was there - not a bad turnout at all! Mostly cruisers (my kinda crowd), but a fair number of sportbikes as well. Good music and cheap-ish beer in good weather. Not as done-up as it is when bike nite is in full swing, but a good way to bring in the warm weather nonetheless!

    Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk

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  11. this happens because parents dont spank their kids anymore.

    if i refused to go to school, my mom woulda back handed the shit out of me and made me go. the next day, i wouldnt dare tell her no again.

    sure i got into my fair share of trouble, but i think i turned out alright. i am a firm believer in people spanking their kids (there is a difference between spanking and abusing though....but thats for another thread)

    Yep! We're just raising a generation of crackheads and idiots.

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