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Posts posted by Exarch

  1. It's in the genes sonny boy. Look what you have to look forward to when you get to be your dad's age.

    I think ill be dead b4 that age, and if not ill just be dead on the inside... either way FML

    If a sportbike is a a crotch rocket does that make a cruiser an ass slug?

    Lol, I laughed so hard I almost spit my chew everywhere. Next time put a warning label up.

  2. still no. Pong was a video game. Ping Pong is a table game. Beer Pong is a better table game where there are no losers

    Old people have no clue what beer pong is... You are going to confuse them... Great now that the secret is out the bag expect a shit ton of old people at your next party.

  3. That was @bad. Atari came out 1980 I belive pong was 1972(made by Atari, but not known as the Atari, the 1980 consol was known as the Atari)

    I loved the nintendo, play 5 min, freeze, take out the game, blow'n'whipe and repeat lol....

  4. I knew u were gunna get the strip club one lol, although I figured u woulda picked cheeks. Too bad I dont got my bike otherwise ide pick up the golf course one tomorrow since I work at Ncr country club for my first job, oh well. Ill probably start playing this game in a week or 2(if I can get the images to upload from my phone, this site.dont like my phone)

  5. I guess the constitution means nothing to Arizona especially the first amendment.... So you can be thrown in jail for annoying someone on the internet? I dont see this going over too well with the public... This is the reason for banhammers and mods... So how will porn sites be effected?

  6. While were at it why isn't there a section about the riding style of standing on the pegs and flapping your arms? That's been asked for hasn't it? Can we get a trike section? If we get that we need a can am reverse trike section too. Let's get a I don't own a bike section too. And an I Hate All Bikers Section. This way the whole world is happy!

    what, no lot lizard section?

  7. No..................It's because I hate to drive in a straight line:D. Gas up that Ninja and come to the NEO ride Sat. and join us for a good time. No I'm not fast but I am old.

    Lol, I wish I could but I have a bedtime still :( no late night trips for this kid yet. If it was closer by ide be down to go after I got off work.

    Oh btw 1 good thing bout old people... Their cars, im a fan of the classics and love going to car shows. Although I would never own one, there neat to look at. I was helpin my buddys dad out with his full blown 29 model A back when he took me in, really got me to appreciate older cars. Also after driving his 87GN that thing is a beast, all original and stock.

  8. So your 50ish dad is "old". So what you're really saying is "I'm still a little wet behind the ears & have a lot to learn". There are quite a few of us elderly on here that could school you quite well.

    Heres what I think if you must know. Anyone 10 years older than me is 'old' anyone 5 years younger than me is 'young' and anyone that gets offended is a cranky old asshat... Age is what it is, and thats all there is to it, you cant change your age and everyhodys prospective of what 'old' is usually depends on their age. And most people in their 50s admit to being 'old' and accept it. Hell senior citizen = age 65... So yes 50 is old and 65+ is senior citizen. 30-49 is middle age and >30 is young....

    Btw to your 'schooling' comment.... Duh with age comes experience... Thats a pretty well known fact, doesnt matter if ur talking bout riding, fighting, politics, etc(I would have to exclude sex though due to ED at older ages for alot of people) the more you have done something the better u know how to do it... But then again there is a point in your life when u hit the breaks and go in reverse around 75+ usually...

  9. Says the un-endorsed nitwit that is worried about being able to pass the motorcycle driving test.

    "I will be getting my endorsements on the 20th(hopefully, should be easy as long as I can do the cone swerve which ive never attempted) "


    I know, and I was just kidding. I didnt think anyone would take it seriously.

    Although people 80+ REALLY shouldnt be driving... and on another serious note most the crashes around here happen from the age group he was speaking of, people tend to get too comfortable driving and crash cuz of it. I know I wont even touch my cellphone while driving, and if u notice its usually adults on the phones, eating, reading etc... While driving. Although teens tend to text alot while driving, and thats pretty scary. I finally broke my wife from the habit of texting and driving while she.has the kids in the car.

  10. I betcha there is at least half a dozen members on here that age or older that would ride circles around everyone else. Age has nothing to do with riding or driving ability

    Is that because they cant drive in a straight line?

  11. Old people shouldnt be driving cars, let alone bikes... My dad is 50ish and scares the.shit out of he when he.drives..... How the hell can he not drive a straight line doing 20mph under the posted speed limit... And I dont even want to think about how he drives my bike, thats a scary thought...

  12. There is no "Cruising" section because nobody has asked for it. Generally, cruising doesn't have anything specific to it to talk about. There are many people who "just cruise" on sportbikes and don't fit into any of those categories listed under riding styles. The riding styles are specific. There isn't a sportbike specific area either (track days can be done on any bike). Cruising is just riding. That goes in the Daily Ride forum generally.

    No, no, no, ur all wrong. I tried saying that in my first post and in my second post and I was totally off base...

  13. Hehehe. As my good friend described his time in Marine Corps boot camp, "Mother fucker tells me to run, I run. That's how I made it!".

    Aint that the truth, marines do too much running for me so I took the easy way out and joined the army lol... Although I still regret not picking the cheerforce as my first option and now the cheerforce wont take me cuz im prior service, such bullshit...

  14. Lies, all lies, 29 year old bikes still get respect :) if you would of kept it for 1 more year you would of been on the wall of shame. I know all my buddies that DONT own a bike crack on me for the 25. I just tell em atleast I got a bike and tey dont. I ride what I want to ride, not what others want me to ride and thats all that matters to me. There is no need to impress anyone, hell I had a GREAT offer on a HD, but I dont like HDs personally. I dont mind others riding em, just just not my cup of tea. I prefer rockets. Not to say I wont change my mind down the road, but for now I cant see myself owning anything but a rocket, and no I dont have any interest in a bigger rocket either. But people change, and like I said as long as ur happy with what u have who gives a crap if someone else doesnt like it, they aint gotta ride it.

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