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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. when that thing runs call me. there is probably a greater chance that you get powdercoating to stick to you and chris' double ender
  2. i wonder what will happen with mike vrabel? current LB coach, i believe 3 time superbowl champ.
  3. no, but paul did it right, bought a gto on the cheap with mods already done. everyone else is wrong.
  4. its riveting. i want you to read it again. imma put it on an encrypted hard drive and mail it to you in 3 yrs time so you can read it again, then come back to repost it. just so everyone remembers.
  5. Alright, so some of us are bench racers, some of us are real racers, and some are both. I contend that the bench racers are ultimately better off for a few reasons. Cons of real racing: 1. Gas is expensive 2. Get sick of whatever you build 3. Shit breaks 4. Can wreck your dd into a wall at the track 5. Get to sell your car for 35 cents on the dollar when you are finished Pros of bench racing: 1. Get to race against people with your hypothetical car 2. Your hypothetical car is 400lbs lighter, and has 400whp more than anyone else. 3. Don't have to actually wreck 4. Don't have to actually leave your home 5. Shit is never broken 6. Your cammed fbody runs 9's. Erbody mad. :gabe: Anyone that disagrees with me, come at me. Bench racers for lyfe. Merry Thanksgiving.
  6. Yeah, no shit. But the ones that are not diesel still sound like rickedy pieces of shit. Blowing smoke and sounding like crap aren't signs of a well built car.
  7. North Carolina and Oklahoma arent exactly cupcakes, Tennessee would be probably the biggest cupcake of the 3, if we are going based on this years performances.
  8. I think if Urban became coach, and was recruiting via a friend beforehand, I think the NCAA would have to prove there was some sort of collusion between this guy, urban, and OSU. This would be way more far fetched than the Scam Newton thing, and they weren't able to even prove that case.
  9. brb buying tickets to LSU and Alabama games, going to random HS and trying to illegally recruit kids to LSU and Bama. see where im going w this?
  10. so some guy, not affiliated with OSU, says something unfounded about OSU, and OSU gets in trouble? i dont see the connection.
  11. How could it be a recruiting violation against OSU if he doesn't even work for us yet? :gabe:
  12. It was real fun to drive IMO. You have to be shitting me. The new bug is probably the ugliest shit i have ever seen. Slightly flattened version of the old one, with dog dish hub caps. No thanks. Not to mention every bug i hear from the mid to late 90's sounds like its a clapped out piece of shit diesel. Why would I want any VAG product? brb manufacturer suggests adding a quart of oil every month :dumb:
  13. why was pauls post deleted?
  14. 0 rust. Even if my engine were to explode, it would be cheaper than his turbo replacement.
  15. guarantee it outlasts this shit wagon. brb buying VAG right around its most expensive service interval :dumb:
  16. ill gib ya no more than 1200
  17. imo you should just drop a freshened 351 in that bitch.
  18. Just when i think the OP couldnt get any gayer....
  19. i know they let this cunt put her Jerry Springer audition pics all up in this motherfucker
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=388&pictureid=2791
  21. Don't buy from him, he probably jacked off in all of em
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