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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Update: Angus: unprepared. I called the gold course I played yesterday. The guy was like, are you lookin for keys to a jeeep?! I'm like yeah dute where u find em? He's like, some guy found em on a fairway. Must have been when I did a barrell roll out of the cart.
  2. Ok, well how much will a new key cost? I had a lil clicker thingy ding too. I suppose that will be a hearty sanduskying.

    Ouija Boards

    Jeffro, I believe you. I have a story of my own. We lived in an old house (1800's)since I was born til I was 5. I have no recollection of this, but my brother, sister and I all lived up stairs. We would wake up screaming, and I explained to my mom that in the dark, I saw what appeared to be "electronic jailbars". Later in another instance, we were upstairs asleep, and my mom heard heavy boot footsteps upstairs, went to investigate, and it was nothing. No one else home. A few yrs later, a kid I went to HS moved into the house. He knew I had lived there several years prior. We were semi aquainted, but one day pulled me aside during class changes and asked me if the house was haunted.
  4. Oh yeah, my registration, let me go grab it out of my jeep....
  5. lulzy. welllllll... I paid the jeep off and got a lein release letter, so I don't have a title yet either.
  6. Ok so I think I have early onset of alzheimers. I cannot find my jeep keys. Does anyone know where I can get new ones made? Its an 01 Cherokee.
  7. shit is junk. go to worldofwatches.com and look for sales. they spam alot with their emailer but there are some good deals on it.
  8. Just judging by the paint though, you'd be in for a paint job at least. For that type of car, you need to do it up right. You'd probably be at 20k right there, not including what ever other mystery issues it has at 66k. Those could be babied miles, or they could be paul-brower-hotlapped-264,000-times-down-the-track miles. I assume youd be in it for 20-25k, but for that $ id rather pay 30 something for a Gen II or Gen III
  9. USAF dumping remains of dead soldiers into the landfill. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/10/panetta-calls-for-review-after-report-on-troops-remains/?hpt=hp_t1
  10. brandon, thats the best story i heard all damn day!
  11. meet me at da trail it goin downnn
  12. i keep asking him about the 930 and he doesnt respond.

    Call mopar

    posting phone numbers, bannable offense?
  14. The dude is 84, probably has dementia to some extent, and doesn't know his own ass from a hole in the ground. ESPN creates drama because that's their business. If there is no drama, no one cares, and they lose business. While the whole situation is fucked up, its now coming at the expense of joepa.
  15. I do but its closer now than when he lived in reynoldsburg
  16. Paul where do you live? Looks like lifestyles off morse. Y u no call me? :fa:
  17. 13:1, lol. its public elementary, not harvard.
  18. whoever pushed the ban button: TOO SOON, JUNIOR
  19. how much you want for the 930?
  20. Something like that is happening at the school, what do you do? He reported it to the AD. What is wrong with what he did?
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