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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. mostly technical bronalysis. just watching and feeling it out, kinda dumb. i should keep technical charts. i go off of good fundamentals too. if i think its cheap, i buy.
  2. Scott ill throw down. Don't buy a tap, I got one.
  3. Rubberlayin series is reason enough to not ban bluemach.
  4. I want this bad but my gf says it looks like a hood rat mobile. Glws.
  5. Don't flatter yourself. I don't want you banned. I want aj and his stupid kunt brother banned.
  6. They amys frozen dinners are cool if you don't actually like meat. Srsly who eats that hipster crap.
  7. make this thread end for me. i keep coming back to look, even though its like a trainwreck. ok, here's an example. ever watch porn but you wonder if its too gay to keep watching? say maybe a dude is pounding a chick, but its that one camera shot from behind, through his legs, where all you see is the dudes bhole, his sack, and like a sliver of vag? but you keep watching anyway, amirite? is this thing on? testing testing 123.
  8. this thread is a cluster fuck. a mexican standoff between midgets, trolls, gingers, wankers, black people and all other sorts of honkeys. all of which are slow. mods, please make it end.
  9. i buy my lunch errday like a bauce.
  10. this show sucks dick. evolves too slow.
  11. srsly please leave this forum. i have good fun on this site, call it trolling if you will. i will state again you trolled the world when you were born. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/a1856ebd.jpg
  12. hey i weigh 186 too. wanna wrestle weeners?
  13. plz god do it. we can only have aj or his brother. having both is like dividing by zero inside a hadron collider.
  14. you are a faggot fucking twink. plz of yourself.
  15. Yes. This is a very rare bike. A 6cyl inline that was I believe somewhat limited in production. Sounds sick too:
  16. Did work for just headers. Damn. Put a buslink on that cobra.
  17. http://www.sickanimation.com/cartoons/sam/
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