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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. how fast were we going? my speedo is off because i sold my handheld and i have gears...but with an open h pipe we didnt wanna draw attention lol


    haha, my speedo is broke too.


    4th gear at 3.5k rpms. i was waiting for you to catch up. i usually cruise at 3k in 5th gear, and thats about 70mph.

  2. I blame Bill Clinton. That administration drafted some of the most fucked up backward legislation that basically allowed anyone who wanted a house to obtain one. People are to blame too, greedy fucking consumers. Thirdly, I blame the builders, the people who cranked out neighborhoods of these cookie cutter homes. Since that started happening, supply has gone through the roof. Its no wonder we have a 20 month housing surplus.


    I cant afford a house right now, so you know what I do? I stay my ass out of the market.

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