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Posts posted by Koreo

  1. I was in the very front and over cooked the turn first. It was a very tight right hander followed by a big dip. I went way over the line. Seeing his bike and him fly through the air in my rear view mirror scared the shit out of me.

    Mostly cosmetic stuff I believe. Snapped rear seat.

  2. you goddamn right it is. go to motoseries.com and register for your day there. all the actualy cool kids of OR will be there riding on sat and racing on sunday anyway. if you go to this so called "epic" ride, you'll just be seeing the sloppy seconds who couldn't cut it for actual manly track riding.


  3. as much as i dont want to not go. i might be out. might be making quite a few ben franks installing a supercharger on a friends car. mo money for bike parts...

    if i do go, ill have to leave early.

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