I went from a Iphone 4 to a Atrix (android type) I REALLY like the way the Iphones process.. my biggest three don't likes, price, and impossible to replace batteries and keep warranty, and the lacking of a Micro-SD etc. I killed my iphone 4's battery, and I loved that phone, but, I wont go back. I was broke and bought my phone refurbed for almost nothing a year ago, and I like it more, cheap, replaceable batteries, upgradable flash memory (after purchase for cheap) my wifes iphone is wonderful, they use standardized processes to make them all software compatible, its a wonderful thing, standardization, and she just does email facebook facetime, and photos..she hates the memory in a iphone, its the biggest drawback that you have to delete something to add more, you can't swap mem cards like almost every other cool phone in the last decade(ok maybe 7-8 years)... that is a HuGE drawback IMO, unless your rich lol, and even then, its not changeable, its just more space to fill. the droid isn't perfect there are issues having 5 different companies making phones, some programs just dont work right.. but, this is the linux over windows debate IMO, they are both viable, just have different niches.. will I buy the 5? nope, haven't even looked into it. if it has swappable batteries and a flash memory interface (yeah right), I'll give it a shot, otherwise, it just wont be worth my money, I'm sure its great for many though.