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Posts posted by Kmanlyst

  1. It's a tree that grows in Columbia, very illegal wactched a documentry on it. The person under the influence pretty much loses all thought control and can be told what to do and they will follow it and it wipes the memory really frightening stuff.

  2. Hahahahahhahahaha ur more than welcome to come man, just wasn't sure ur ball and chain would let ya go haha

    Shawn i don't think he whould let us.......maby if beg a little.

    Ball and chain has already been told months in advance and she is okay with it

  3. Lol max power should get a kick out of this.... I kinda made a similar pass on him, not as big of a speed gap though... Sometimes people move in the lane and it happens... No need to wish death upon them

    oh I would never wish death upon anyone, just wanted to share something I found that would scare the shit out of me. Hell last year on a ride with Dying Shadow my throttle locked damn near thought I was going to nail him glad he heard my squealing back tire.

  4. That is one fookin' idjit and seriously deranged dumbass. No way I'd ride with him anywhere. Not real smart on either of them, actually. Hope they kill only themselves...and soon, for the good of mankind.

    Agree, I understand wanting to push the bike to it's limits but please do so in a controlled environment where there is little danger to the general population.

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