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Posts posted by Kmanlyst

  1. large20image.jpg

    Noble M600

    Quick stats - a 4.4-litre Volvo/Yamaha V8 produces three power outputs . The ‘Road' setting gives you 450bhp, ‘Track' bumps it up to 550bhp, and ‘Race' commands 650bhp. Each increases the boost curve and throttle response.

    It weighs 1,250kgs, gives around 530bhp-per-tonne, prompting the inevitable headline-grabbing reference to something Bugatti-shaped and fast...

  2. went out today with a break in the rain to get a quick ride in and was out by the new casino coming off of Phillipi Rd on to West Broad going east, went to change from 2nd to 3rd and felt nothing pulled off the the side of the road and found this. I had to walk the bike home since I know nobody with a truck close by.



  3. Akino, how could you not love that face. He is our new family pet after my 16 year old ragdoll cat Munchie passed away.


    Munchie, the most chilled out cat I have ever known and a fatass at 28lbs. Miss this guy alot was my buddy through a super rough time in my life and always made me smile.


  4. Picture taken for club website gallery. here are some specs on the bird.

    Wingspan: 2500mm

    Weight: 2500g~2700


    Wing Area: 32.5 dm^2

    Wing Loading: 76~83g/dm^2

    Airfoil: Eppler 374 Modify

    Radio: 6 Channel 6 Servos ( 4 for control surfaces 2 for pan and tilt of camera)

    Motor Exceed Optima 400 Brushless Motor 2215-1050KV

    ESC: Dynam 50A ESC(3A BEC)

    Propeller: 2 Blade 11x6 ~ 12x8 3 Blade 9x6 ~11x6

    Battery: LiPo 4S/4000mAh


  5. Seem's America has got that sensative stick shoved so far up it's ass that we complain about something like this. I played with G.I Joes, remote controlled tanks,hell a ton of die cast aircraft as a kid and not once did something like this ever come up. no wonder the greatest generation laughs at us.

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