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Posts posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Awesome. Times work of you Kman?

    I have school from 11-1ish in Columbus so if any Columbus guys want to ride with me back to Buckeye Lake for the meet up you're welcome to. Just post and let me know.

    Could always meet at the 7-11by the taco bell there on high street. Blitz following you would be a good idea seeing as all I have really done is city riding in Columbus don't really know my way around much outside of that lol.

  2. Was thinking about heading down to Hocking for a ride,don't want to male the trip solo wanted to see if anyone else would be interested. Weather is supposed to be nice both days around 68 will iron out meet times and locations if I get a response.

  3. I can take vacation time for one day or I can call in sick for three days. I let the boss pick which one. There is always a work-around. :D

    With them firing people left and right for little things I didn't want to push it,besides after the 23rd I get 3 floating holidays and an unscheduled general purpose day.

  4. Sorry jdonn needed a pair bad tired of riding in sneakers and wife wasn't going to let me get the pair of SIDI I wanted she faints anytime I mention something for the bike. Keep reminding her how many isles the girls had for toys growing up and how many boys had......this is payback lol.

  5. So Ryan and I took a nice ride Thursday since it will go back again. Please forgive my slow pace was learning the road and did see a few gravel spots plus learning braking and gears going into and out of corners more used to city riding...anyway here is the video.

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