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Everything posted by Jynx

  1. Well it's my ideal handgun, I'm more of a rifle guy and I dream practical. And I'd like a Springfield and I'm open to all offers preferably an a1
  2. I have a glock 19 9mm 4th gen and an m&p 40 I'm trying to get rid of, the glock has only had 150 rounds through it and the m&p had had about 500, idk if I'm asking to much for a 1911 but its my dream gun and I figure it's worth a shot, if I try to sell it anywhere else I know I won't nearly what they're worth, so if anyone has a hankering for a 9mm and a .40 lemme know
  3. what is the hoover loop, i ride around hoover all the time and never find a nice route
  4. I just got a new Ruger LCP and I just want to put a few rounds through it, I can't afford to go to any ranges any ideas where I can pop a few rounds off around the Westerville area?
  5. I just got a new Ruger LCP and I just want to put a few rounds through it, I can't afford to go to any ranges any ideas where I can pop a few rounds off around the Westerville area?
  6. ^when i put mine on it took 15 min, but then again im on a cruiser, its pretty straight forward if you dont mind wires showing for a ride. at this point its a 50/50 if i can go, are there any scheduled stops on the way?
  7. thanks for looking out
  8. worst case scenerio i'll haul ass to newark on 161 i'll text nightrider if i have any issues
  9. also i may be running a little late, if i dont make it to iron pony by 1:30 head out without me. i'll meet up in newark if im running late
  10. damn i cant find anyone with a volusia i had some questions about minor mods
  11. nightrider, did you keep the volusia or sell it for the r6
  12. also is anyone still meeting at IP? i'd be happy to wait we'd have to leave by 1:30
  13. im down to go wherever i just want to meet some of you guys so i can put some faces to these screennames
  14. literally scoured the thread looking to call you out and that is all i found
  15. she didnt just break fingers she was hospitalized, that video gave me chills because its totally something that could happen to the best of us. and for fucks sake wait until everything is fully healed.
  16. i guess i'll have to call tomorrow to set something up
  17. QuikAccord, for the last 30 of your post i was under the impression that your avatar was a skeleton hand giving the peace sign...day made
  18. franklin county sherriff's dept doenst take long at all, everyone i know whos gone downtown has it in less than a week.
  19. Ive already got the certificte of completion for my chl just not old enough to submit it so i guess im going with a multiple compartment backpack
  20. So working on my ccw, im not 21 but on my birthday im getting a new handgun, then taking it to the range. it typically takes 3 days to get the license so for those first few days i have no idea how to transport the gun. I dont have saddlebags(nor do i want them). i guess the question is if i strap it to my leg is it considered open carry or am i improperly storing a firearm in a vehicle? any ideas/input appreciated
  21. 4 straight minutes of staring at the picture i finally found waldo
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