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Everything posted by FourString

  1. I can handle him. The problem is that he will want to defective swap the axles for new GSP axles again instead of fully returning them. No worries though. I have ways of getting shit done if need be.
  2. Yeah I can but they have been installed. They will give me ten kinds of hell for that.
  3. Fuck. Morgantown, West Virginia. That says it all. EDIT: Wait, that is a female?! Did I hear that right?
  4. +6.0221415×10^23 for OSU garage.
  5. Well that just sucks to read. I was thinking about signing up with Sprint for two years and this is the phone I was looking at.
  6. Okay, that is all I need to read. I have to drive the car this weekend, but early next week I am going to start the process of getting Honda axles for the car. I am dreading the argument I will have with my boss about returning the GSPs. I work for the Advance that I bought them from. Should be an interesting discussion because I know he will not believe me.
  7. I may be there if I can wake myself up at 6am to be there in time.
  8. I did that yesterday with the car on the lift. I am going to try a full ignition tune-up and see what that does. As much as I think the problem is in the front end, I cannot ignore the chance that it is a miss.
  9. It does not pull to either side. Axles were just replaced and wheel bearings are checking out fine. The car has a manual transmission. I wondered about sticking non-Honda axles in it. It almost seems as if they could be a little longer and it would be better. I took it to a local front-end service shop today to have it looked at. After the guy drove it he thought it was a slight miss in the engine. I am not 100% convinced of that yet, but it is a possibility. We put the car up in the air to check everything out. I did notice that with the suspension unloaded and extended to max, the new axles that I just put in seemed to be "stretched out" at the inner boot. It is almost like the axles are an inch or so too short. As for the engine and transmission mounts, they checked out fine as well. However, the rear engine mount is not exactly easy to see or get to. After driving it a little bit today to go to the shop I noticed that the shaking at cruising speed seems to be gone (finished the axle swap last night). Now the vibration seems to be more when taking off, moderate throttle, lower speeds, and is most obvious in 2nd gear.
  10. I forgot to mention that we rotated them to the rear to rule that out as well.
  11. The car is a 1999 Civic. When I am accelerating I have a vibration in the front of the vehicle. When I let off of the throttle the vibration stops. When I free-rev the car there is no vibration. The vibration only occurs when the car is under a load. The vibration is fairly consistent throughout the power band but is most obvious after I have been on the freeway for a while and cruising around 60MPH. The intensity of the vibration is usually never the same. The vibration was actually so intense one day that I heard it "knocking" along with the frequency of the vibration in the front end of the car, and it started shaking as if the wheel was going to fall off. The vibration started off mild and has gotten worse over time as if something is wearing out. When this first started I knew I needed new tires anyway so I replaced them all with a full balance. The vibration continued so I replaced both front CV axles thinking that the inboard joints were shot. The units I bought as replacements were brand new (not reman) GSP axles from Advance Auto Parts. I replaced both front rotors at the same time as a precaution. The lug nuts are tight, the ball joints are fine, and the tie rods all feel tight. The wheel bearings do not have any play or noises. I have not had the car on a long drive yet, but so far the vibration is still there. It just does not feel as bad as it did previously. Though as I said before, the vibration is most intense after I have been driving for a while. The car only has 82K miles on it. This is driving me insane (and poor). Any ideas?
  12. Another CR member named Stas? Welcome to CR.
  13. Welcome to CR fellow math geek
  14. Adam! Wow...I still remember the old days of you driving Shamu. Many of you probably remember Adam's black 2-door GTP
  15. Very sad I will say though...LFA = *drool*
  16. "Top Gear" is #1 for me with "Breaking Bad" being #1.1 for sure.
  17. How did this thing not come back after 3 days?
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