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Everything posted by FourString

  1. That kid looks like a genuine piece of shit.
  2. I enjoy having multiple vehicles. I was finally able to buy a decent DD (the Z71 I brought to PPC) and still have the DSM and Civic for toys, which are both paid off. They are so much more fun to only drive occasionally. I vote for Option A.
  3. Are you surprised? MaD tYtE mOds coMe BeFoRe MaInTeNanCe y0!
  4. Grassroots Motorsports recently named the Miata as one of the all time best cars (#1 actually). The racing heritage of the Miata is nothing to be laughed at. Most people that make fun of them have never even driven one anyway.
  5. I am ALWAYS the guy that gets stuck behind stupid fucks like that. All I usually want to get is a small burger and fries. The fuck in front of me always gets half of the fucking menu. Fuck.
  6. Great thread. I'm still drooling.
  7. As soon as I read this I gave you rep. You are the kind of person that we welcome in the DSM community. Hope to see you at some meets this year
  8. If you are referring to the cockpit video then no. That video was Wes Hess for sure. I saw the video long before he died. Like Mike said, he was a very well respected pioneer of the DSM enthusiast community. His death was a shock to us all. It is a good thing that Mark removed the video.
  9. HA! You know how it is in Portsmouth...you mess with one person down here and you have the whole county after you. Thank Allah, I am not a local statistic. Edit: (To actually contribute to the thread) I would like to see more cruise ins and more hosted racing events. How about a CR Autocross day?
  10. I approve of this DSM. Welcome to CR.
  11. That profile video is/was Wes Hess's car I believe. Correct Mike?
  12. That is not too difficult to do. He is already thinking about deleting all of our useless posts in this thread.
  13. +1 I have watched 2 different IMAX movies. Never again. I left both times feeling nauseous.
  14. Did you know that I was going to type this reply?
  15. I am unpredictable.
  16. I just had a tall glass of skim milk.
  17. Exactly. The enthusiast community is a very tight community even though we all bicker at each other constantly.
  18. The front end looks like a GT-R had sex with an RX-8.
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