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Posts posted by Gunner75

  1. Ive never gotten much chance to listen to Glen Beck. My favorite radio host, Neil Boortz just left in January, and was replaced by Herman Cain. My morning radio listening has changed from talk to music based on Herman Cain just doesn't hold my attention.

    I also wouldnt be amazed if something happens to Beck over the weekend

    After watching the whole video I dont understand why even give them time? Why not just come out with it?

  2. Not really sure how much truth is in this as it coming from CNN


    A bill passed late last night (93-7 votes) that declares the entire United States of America a battleground. What this means is that the U.S. Military can now operate with impunity, and grant the U.S. Military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate, and even assassinate United States citizens with impunity.

    What this means is the United States is basically declaring war with itself. We need to shed light on this and make sure it does not become a law, otherwise we should just say good bye to the Bill of Rights and everything America used to stand for.

    Here is the link to the bill in question.


  3. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-711747

    A bill passed late last night (93-7 votes) that declares the entire United States of America a battleground. What this means is that the U.S. Military can now operate with impunity, and grant the U.S. Military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate, and even assassinate United States citizens with impunity.

    What this means is the United States is basically declaring war with itself. We need to shed light on this and make sure it does not become a law, otherwise we should just say good bye to the Bill of Rights and everything America used to stand for.

    Here is the link to the bill in question.


  4. With that kind of knowledge, why in the hell do they waste their time on this shit if they know its going to fail or be vetoed? Why can't they focus on shit that will actually help this crumbling country?

    Because they have to maintain the illusion that they are actually trying to work

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