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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. One bike, yes. But I think you could fit 4 at least. or even cut it down and make it a flat bed and possibly hold 5 or 6
  2. Once my dad found out how Rhino Liner is applied he decided against it as he thought it would kill the cost of his truck
  3. I was in springfield the other day, but I dont know exactly when Ill be there.
  4. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/3719483631.html http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/3692455509.html http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/3697204889.html
  5. snags his nuts on barbed wire
  6. I found a guy down the street that can do it but I cant get in till monday. My concern is tire ware. The middle ware indicator is below the main body of tread. The shoulders still got plenty of tread and I dont see any cords showing. Maybe Im being anal about it
  7. screw that he still looks like a fucking moron
  8. When someone says touring, I think 500+miles a day state to state, camping out or staying wherever able. On a 650 twin or above yeah i can, below that no I cant. For instate, Snot is queen of in state touring impo
  9. Appletini, while getting a
  10. I dont think his finger is on the trigger as the trigger is situated more rear of the bolt
  11. This is the add Can someone PM me how to make youtube videos come up with the video instead of just a link
  12. I have too get my tires mounted my exhaust on and air filter installed this week Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Fuck obama and anyone who supports that piece of shit Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  14. maybe its just me being slow, but how does a MK23 work into this?
  15. Gunner75


    You ride with Roley? Seriously dude?
  16. you gotta love how Yellow Wolf tears up the gap like that on a goldwing.
  17. Im hoping he actually owns one. Those things are badass
  18. Last time i went with him I just rode down to his house and met him at his place. But this was last year prior to Dream ride
  19. Where is the meet point Brandon? Your place again like last time? Also a time to meet? Ill go ahead and say that im in for this. I put in a vacation day to have the day off, so its depending on a couple of things. Getting my vacation approved, and getting my exhaust fixed by then. If so count me in
  20. IP would make sense for me, plus I cant think of any better place to start out a meet
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