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About robdot

  • Birthday 08/31/1959

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    2011 interstate

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  1. Man I wish there was a route to the smokies that would take you around Cincinnati. You could go through hocking hills to the midland trail, rt 60, that goes path rough some real nice areas, including Summerville lake and new river gorge bridge. That's the LONG way around though.
  2. A lot of people here seem to have some very strong opinions on motorcycle clubs, and harley riders. And like most stereotypes, your wrong. For many years i was a member of a 3 patch motorcycle club that was harley only members. The only reason i joined this club was because they were not afraid to ride their motorcycles. Over a 5 year period i rode 2 different bikes 80.000 miles. All with a motorcycle club. All on harleys. Drinking and riding was greatly discouraged. We went anywhere at anytime. rain, dry, hot or cold. MOST people who own motorcycles dont ride them. It has nothing to do with model, make, or club. Around 10 years ago when i bought my first bike, a sportster, i quickly learned that NO ONE rides their bike. Most people ride to the bar, or a poker run , or a bike night. 1000 or 2000 miles a year is quite common. I learned that all my friends who i thought were bikers, were not bikers. They would not ride farther than 50 miles. they would not ride at night. they would not ride at the slightest hint of rain, or wind, or excessive heat. A trip all the way to the smokies? No way. I simply started going on my own. Then i met this club. So everything you guys say about mc clubs is wrong. My experience tells me the exact opposite. Go down to the local quaker steak and see all the sport bikes with some girl on the back in shorts and flip flops. Revving up and down the parking lot. This club had regular rallys and events, but these events took me to the adirondacks, canada,michigan and the u.p.. over big mac, etc. Our club rides took me to brp. smokies.cherohala skyway, kentucky derby, new river gorge, wv. virginia, etc. etc. etc. While you guys were trailering your bikes to deals gap, we took a 6 day ride through the midland trail and the new river gorge, summerville lake, the parkway, and the snake (hwy 421). This club had presidents, road captains, and all the things you guys love to make fun of. But i am positive my small chapter rode more than all you guys put together... I am no longer in that club, i was without a bike for 2 years, and iv moved, i was really hoping to meet some new people for new experiences.
  3. The fact remains that clintons tax and deficit reduction bill passed before newt was speaker, and every republican voted against it. And when clinton left office the budget was running a 600 billion dollar surplus. He did this by taxing the so called "rich".
  4. yea, i know. i already pointed that out. I meant the bottom people we were talking about.
  5. That article merely points out that those statistics, presented in that format, are wildly misleading, and leave out much information. I dont understand those numbers. Does that represent just federal taxes? Because that would make sense. Assuming those numbers are real we can say This. The bottom people dont pay federal taxes because they dont make enough money to qualify, as the video shows. Many couples who work two full time jobs, and have children, dont qualify. But EVERYONE pays payroll taxes, state taxes, local taxes. sales taxes , government fees, gas taxes ,etc, The video just demonstrates that the wealth in america is all moving up.
  6. theres also no such thing as an obamaphone. Both of those phone programs were started by bush and reagan
  7. Clintons tax bill passed in 1993. Tom foley was speaker then. Newts contract wasnt until 1994. so, your wrong. and once again. every republican voted against it. Clintons economy created 20 million jobs and balanced the budget. reagan tripled the deficit. TRIPLED. Every aspect of the reagan presidency was a disaster. the savings and loans crashed, had to be bailed out. iran/contra. etc. Reagan was senile and bearly knew where he was. he regularly confused real life with movies he had been in. And that how we got star wars. Reagan saw it in one of his movies. star wars is the single greatest boondoggle in history. Everyone told him it wouldnt work. it never worked and not one missile was ever successfully shot down. Those are just facts, and i dont understand your rudeness.
  8. The largest users of welfare in the country are wal mart employees. Wal mart simply uses welfare to provide food and healthcare to its employees. But welfare uses very little of our taxes and its not true or fair in any sense to say anyone wants to tax rich people so they can give it to the poor. Welfare is not responsible for the federal deficit. Its also important to remember welfare is children, who not fault of their own have no health insurance. Medicare for all would fix that, but republicans are against that too.
  9. First,when clinton left office the budget was running surpluses. The first thing clinton did when he took office was to raise taxes, on rich people. interest, dividends, capital gains, estates. Every republican voted against this act. Every one. (The Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. ) Clinton balanced the budget his last 3 years. he created more jobs than any president in history. Yet they called him a socialist. and they called his tax plan "class warfare". They said it would destroy jobs abd ruin the economy. Boy were they wrong. Rich people dont get wages. they get "dividends" ,or "capitol gains".which are taxed at much lower rates. They also dont pay payrolls taxes. The ceo of wal mart makes over 18 million a year. But thats not "wages". Wal mart will pay out about 1.5 BILLION dollars in dividends. Mostly to themselves. The first thing bush and the republicans did was to try to ELIMINATE taxes on dividends.. In the end they cut some entirely, and lowered capitol gains and dividends taxes by around 60%. The 'bush tax cuts" drastically reduced the taxes on capital gains, interest, dividends, and estates. the top 4 rates were all reduced to 15%. So, people who make wages are in fact taxed at much higher rates than those who get paid in dividends and capital gains.or interest.
  10. and i like candle light dinners and walks on the beach.
  11. hi, im 53.Live in lima. lots of touring experience. right now i have a honda interstate. looking for any and all riding activities. local, or trips. im not crazy about poker run or rally kind of things, i would much prefer to pick a spot and ride there. Like going places or to see things iv never seen. over the last few years iv ridden the parkway several times,all over the smokies. west virginia area,including new river gorge area. mackinaw city, upper p area. niagra falls. etc. Not into drinking and riding, not looking to cheat on my wife. when i say im going to go ride my bike, im going to go ride my bike. Not hang around the bars or strip clubs. although i would have nothing against a strip club run 8^). im available to ride anytime, anywhere. you wanna take off and go somewhere for one day? two days? whatever. look me up. a little personal info about me- im a retired firefighter (worked 30 years ) im a lifetime union member left wing kind of person. so if you watch fox news and listen to limbaugh all day, we are not gonna get along 8^). This almost seemed like one of those personal ad thing didnt it?
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