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Everything posted by livinthedream

  1. no guessing , to easy give an answer and support it with facts to prove why you know . put a little effort in for the prize:D
  2. hi steve , i am the masked keyboard stroker, you ll find that i am the real deal and brian will confirm , now that he knows. but sorry for now i am having good clean fun . do you have to know a hot chicks name if she wanted to do ya ? thought not relax have fun this is a fun game the one who finds out my true identity on their own will win a team shirt sent to them
  3. tried pm ing you brian, but does not seem to have gone thru yet , not showing in my file. send me a message
  4. its all about perception, what you want to read , vs opening your mind and letting it sink in . brian you did just that, you did not fly off and get in a battle of the keyboard, congrats you will get a pm and i will take my mask off to you . get the f ing gas cartridges , and in ama there is a weight limit in all classes and in dsb / ssport most bikes are at the min without ti- i know that doesnt affect you but def the RD bikes our bikes were 354-355 - only ti was the exhaust guess we must of had some magic since we dont have money or good looks
  5. never intended to seem as though i was attacking brian for example he and tj / nathan had a discussion about the R1 and how their built frame was the same as josh hayes . yes maybe at the time but brian h was absolutely correct in saying todays factory r1 is diff. here is an example pegram severly damaged his A bike in the chicane and his crew and yamaha spent alot of time and resources to repair it asap rather than get on his B bike. he only has 1 of the new chassis and did not want to ride the B bike. his B bike can be built by a competent crew with resources but his A bike has alot of un-obtainium on it . and those things are the technology from wsb and japan. hows that for being on brians team. like i said before, seemed like there was alot of biased info on this forum , all i have tried to do is posibly add to or disclaim some incorrect info.
  6. didn t know that the amount of posts was equal to how much you know. just learned something again, thanks you sure seem emotional
  7. the auto division didnt make a BUSA model that could be extended and 300 rear tires put on them. really cut dwn on sales in certain markets
  8. certainly do know brian , but like all of us he is a regular guy and maybe can be wrong and not have all the info that is out there. or all the info that is learned from experience in different enviorments. if you are only looking for experience from only riders discount and brian h. i will go back to my hole and read to myself
  9. nathan, you should leave your original post up not go back and edit it after i respond to you.
  10. like anybody , have a desire to learn , weather it is from others or on my own . if i make a mistake i admit it and if a part fails we recognize it and the manufacturer of said part, if they are reputable, wants to better the product to eliminate further issues down the road and they usually want there other customers to either be aware or to possibly upgrade or replace a part that might not be up to task. or it could just be the oddball failure. i do not need to get into a dick measuring contest with you and brian h. you guys got that covered on who knows what and who knows who. just got on this forum and it seems as though there is alot of advertising bias . and one sided info . maybe i read it wrong this was in response to a post by nathan that he has since edited to one word
  11. cool ,do you have his autogragh too ? since you know him personally and all.
  12. well i have a little bit of experience and knowledge , but seem to learn everyday. lotsa lessons learned as i am going into my fourth year as a crew chief for a fairly successful ama team , we have been lucky enough to be a top ten finisher the past three years in a row. this year will be another learning year as we have moved up a class. glad to know you feel brian has all the answers . bet he is still learning everyday. my posts as it said was fyi not directed to brian in any way.
  13. FYI the least expensive and and biggest single weight saving measure is to replace your oem battery with a new lipo-lithium battery that on most sport bikes saves over 7 lbs and . on most sport bikes that weight is up high on the subframe , the change will help lower the center of gravity and help promote enhanced handling traits. note that if you have a track or race bike with a kit ecu and other after market electronics it is ness. to get a batt with 12 plus amps , the more the better to keep all electronics functioning under simultanious loads. too many people focus on cranking amps and that is not the only factor to focus on. on some bikes like many of the ducatis the battery placement is ofset on one side of the bike and it helps balance the bike rt to lft. hellava lot cheaper than ti and it serves multi finctions. about 70 % of the AMA paddock use a battery of this type. at approx $ 150.00 there is not another single mod you can do to your bike that has as many positive net effects.
  14. gonna be tough to save 7 lbs off of wheels with out changing them . there are not enough peices that ti is going to do that for you. on a roadrace bike the corolatoin of weight to horsepower does not seem to truly be the old 7lbs = 1hp formula its more about quicker acceleration and shorter and less heat in braking situations at least that has been my experience
  15. the forum is to share exp and info and they certainly post up alot of info with their builds and promoting all the positives of triumph and aftermarket parts but dont share any negatives . most learn by experience wether it is from others or first hand. reality is that things do break and it would be nice to share from both sides of the fence. if a part failed once it will also happen to others , sooner or later. seems as though it would help others down the road who spend their money with different suppliers / manufacturers , and possibly save another a problem that could have been caught before it became an issue for the next guy. it's not all roses
  16. how come you did not use the gas forks from ohlins , only a couple more bucks and there seems to be alot of positive feedback
  17. heres the facts guys not speeds fault or anyones for that matter , tv is a bussiness and in this case ama pro wants $1,000000.00 + for the rights to broadcast their races. the tv channels need to have sponsors to buy the time slot and be a broadcast sponsor, and they also need commercial sponsors , or ama pro has to find a buyer for the events and present them to a broadcast station. it s all $. period but getting to a point where maybe it would be wise for ama to lower the sale price to attract a buyer and build from there. a little profit is better than none and no exposure.
  18. mid ohio 1;30.006- 600 ama spec tires - need another second here 1;27.1 - 1000 n tec slicks - need another 2 seconds here workin on it
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