Oh California... http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/05/boys-to-shower-with-girls-in-california-public-schools/ http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-gender-20130510,0,1941697.story Last week, the California Assembly (same as House of Representatives in most states) passed Assembly Bill 1266 by a 46-25 vote. Currently, there are 54 Democrats, 25 Republicans and 1 vacancy. All 46 votes for the bill were Democrats as no Republicans voted for in favor of the measure. AB 1266 states that public schools cannot discriminate in any way concerning the sex of the student. Both sexes are to have equal access to all offered courses, counseling and athletics. Any student can try out for any sport, regardless of their sex. In other words, any boy who claims he is a girl, even though he is anatomically still a boy, would be allowed to use the same locker rooms and showers that the girls use. On the opposite side, a girl claiming to be a boy but is still anatomically a girl would be allowed to shower with all the boys. They don’t even have to be undergoing any form of sex change therapy, just say they are the opposite sex from what they really are and they can parade around in all their glory in either locker room or shower.