There's a huge difference in having rights and abusing them. An AR15 is much more destructive than your average handgun, and you know that. Stop being so butthurt. If I decided to wear my pistol on my belt, in an immediately apparent fashion...I would expect some dirty looks, and possibly a police visit. Now, you walk around with a bigger, and more powerful looking gun(though that isn't always the case), it's going to stir up some issues. If someone called about it, the officer is legally obligated to check it out. If I remember correctly, he is required the check if it fires, and to see if it is only semi-automatic, and not fully automatic. I'm not saying that this guy was necessarily doing this for attention, but, what if he was in a populated city? Would the officer's reaction be any better in your opinion. Well, more warranted for that matter. Fact of the matter is, we learned about these kind of guys all of the time in the academy. There's one in particular, can't recall his name at the moment. Basically walks around city streets with any kind of machine gun or rifle, with the sole purpose of drawing attention from police officers. He knows the law, so he records the entire interaction, then puts it on his website.