I rode to pigeon forge, TN fom scioto county last year, was right at 330 miles each way. there is only one bit of advice, if you are going for the journey, ride with like minded people, we went down as a group of 5, 3 of the 5 were there to get to the bar at the other end, we stopped for fuel 3 times less than 15 mins a piece enough to fuel and drink a water and hit it. if I had known we were iron butting I would have just trailered down. we did do the dragon on the 2nd day, it was nice, probably would have enjoyed it more if I had trailered down, or just stopped midway for lunch, was hard to shake off the exhaustion.. it was nice and I would do it again, just no rush. if/when I do it again I won't be basecamping at Pigeon forge. The ride back I knew my way and set the expectation I was stopping longer and not killing myself...and if they needed to get home I would not be offended if they left me behind. This was my first goup ride, and was my last with that group, I learned a valuable lesson about knowing who you are riding with on longer journeys. I think with reasonable break intervals 2 hours then stop for a bit(a bit for me would be 20 mins the first time 30 mins the second and at least 30 for the 3rd), 450 miles a day would be a walk in the park. I would pick your end of day place for the longer days to stay out of tourist zones or heavily populated areas, it will probably be cheaper and you wont be in intense traffic exhausted.