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Everything posted by Ironheaddragster713
this has proven my points to a t. yall are really some sad loosers. spammers and trolls. id love to meet yall shit talkers at the track or on the orad. bet you dont talk HALF the shit as yyou do on screen. yeah maybe its true, i do need to be on a harley forum. i THOUGHT since this was called OHIO RIDERS and not preppy douche bags, i figured id fit in with being an ohio rider. pretty sad. At least i met 2 COOL dudes who are real and all about bikes and not trolling. i have NEVER begged for anything but sense. abviously steve butterbrains is too busy scvreen warrioring than riding. but o no, he rides more than i do. maybe, only thing some yall ride is a cock. its cool. i would even ride with fags but they have too many issues thinking theyre too cool. its sad to see mc owners acting as children. have fun trolls. and talk all you want about my bike. my bike is mine and I hand built it so at least i know whats up, yall will never be close to being bikers. this was for the trolls. to the ones who put out smart brain thought comments, i thank you. the trolls have ruined a good forum. well maybe it was the few cool folks who keep the forum for the posers like butternuts here to spam all day so it keeps them off the road. i laugh at ignorant yups and lames. have fun lames. real folks, we will find each other
ok trolls, here we go again. I casnt believe there are so many suckers in the world. Its shepp who get eatin everyday. People dont eat wolf meat, they eat sheep. and moleste them too sometimes i guess. I wont leave this forum, Ive met a few REAL folks and am just getting to the point of ignoring elitist douchenozzles. And to the ABATE, NO, I have never messed with ABATE. Its sad to see a man cant post a thread about racing without some spamming troll patrolling around acting as a little child. I have no issues with anyone wanting to wear a lid so i really dont see why the so called bikers cant seem to wrap their pathetic little warped minds around the fact that we are not all the same. for shits sake man, grow up people. Whats funny is the dumbshit comments. I really think a few of yall need to go back to school and learn to read. Gotta knock someone down because they dont believe in your every belief, wtf? this is why many nations hate Americans, because the sheep have to flock together and try making every person think as they think. Its not going to happen. While you preach brotherhood and all this garbage and you care about members, ok, have enough respect to not keep posting the same stupid posts. but i get it, trolls have nothing else to do but sit on their perch and troll all day. While steve butter head likes to preach he rides more, im not in doubt he loves to ride a weiner but i dont see how the dude rides so much since everything he does is keep trolling. Troll for life is his motto. Its fine, kick me out, block me, it wont hurt my feelings. There will be the day when yall get off the high horse and come down to earth and hang out with bikers because they ride, not because they ride a certain brand, wear all the gear and do all the same hipster stuff they do. No wander harley dudes get such a bad name, we dont put up with lames, we put them in their places. but little screen warriors can keep being petty and immature, i havent got the time for the bull crap. i have a bike to finish and meet yall on the road and see who has things to say to my face about my helmet. I enjoy a good debate but this thread was a racing thread. But I will put it out once again, anybody with a decent helmet, if i can buy it cheap enough, ill ride with one. Believe it or not, I had the talk with my wife not long ago. I would like to find a nice lid. I dont want one of these for looks or to pass certain state laws helmets. id like to have a good helmet just for the fact, ya never know what can happen. Its my decision though. So again, Ill throw the offer out, if helmets are so great and i MUST need one, help a brother out. o wait, i guess i ride the wrong brand to be considered a brother by a few here. Sad. I have never once looked down on any man or woman for the eqpt they have or dont have. but its probably the same group telling me to get a helmet thats doing wheelies down the interstate putting many lives at risk. i will warn ya, i will never put up with wheelies and stunt riding on public streets. helmet or not, i dont feel the need to put someones family at risk being evel kneivel. but back to racing, I MIGHT have found a set of leathers to use which would be a big help. I have a pair og full leather gloves so i should be good there. they re iron pony specials but will work fine i imagine. helmet i guess is next on the gear side. 3/4 or full face will work. but back to racing. Actually, im back to building.
dude, get your heads out of the clouds. not every friggin person wants to be just a like. man yall are really some trolls with no apparent life. i have better shit to do than read troll script. move the hell on. go preach helmet safety to the ky bikers association. them dudes will tear your helmeted head off with facts you lame brains cant figure out. i do not have a friggin helmet, therefore i do not wear one. troll somewhere else and let this thread be about racing. steve is a troll, id be happy to tell him again. if yall are not trolls, why are you on a thread about racing and there was never helmet talk before my thread was highjacked by troll [atrol, shit man,
Thanks guys. Hell yeah. I wasnt too worried about doing any big burn outs yet. I don't think I will be pushing enough HP to worry about tire spin. Just thinking, its really not about the launch in ET since you race a clock, not the competitor. Consistent is the key, I do know that. I am mainly concentrating on leaving the line and not red lighting. I cant wait. I envision that first pass about a million times a day. The journey is a lot longer than a qtr mile. I learned that quick. A lot of blood and sweat has went into my ol 69. I love it and love messing with it. The whole deal is just an opening opportunity to prove I can build, race and work on motorcycles, specially Harleys, for a lot less than most others. Im in to make a big name for myself as an innovator and a magician with motorcycles. I want to be the dude magazine readers read about. I'm not a show guy or flashy. Just fast and quick. Good handling mean machines. There is a man working on a tank set up and as much as I wanted to make them myself, I don't have the available materials and tooling. It's coming but at a slower rate than I hoped for when I bought my bike. The simple things turn difficult at times and the difficult gets easy
i know im real late to this party but, I have been on the phone and website with National trails. as of 2013, the rules are jeans can be worn, leather required for 12 and under. a tether was mandatory on all bikes. full face lid (ehich i need to get for racing purposes) leater jacket. I just seen the fonzie jacket is ok but not textile. that is true. I dont know shit about textile but wouldnt mind knowing. I know if its anything like the material used in kart racing suits, its stronger than leather and slides better too. I used to race karts and came out of them a few times. But i see NO tracks around will allow a rider to wear them. At least none I checked with. I also do kow all the sanction bodies all say full leathers. Now if anyone wants to get with me here on the north side, Im here and will help anyone with racing and wrenching. dont know much but know some. And back to liffe
sadly man, i doubt it is. ive learned qquick, forums a re mostly trolls with nothing better to do than start some useless bs. this is a thread about racing, not helmets. lets move on pass immature and ignorant responses that have nothing to do with racing. and hey man, if you are such this cool great dude with all kinds of riding experience and knowledge, hell, lend me a lid, ill wear it just for you. if anyone was really interested, they can pm me and ill locate and send them all the info on helmets by the head neck and spine foundation. or whatever its called. Ive spent 100s of hours figthing laws to manditorize helmets. its my right to decide as i am an adult. so move on to a helmet thread or get this back to racing. its not that im mad, i am not, im irratated with ignorance. thats all
THANK YOU. As said, if anyone wants to or not to, its up to them. If i dont wear a lid, and you do, ok. if i do and you dont, ok. Just saying, My Uncle Dave has been in OVER 60 mc wrecks. most were other driver/rider eroor. That dude hasnt ever wore a lid. law or no law, he has been sideswiped and is now legless on the left side but still here to tell his tale. Anyways, back to racing..... Since This is my thread and I am a grown up, I will back away from arguing with trolls. and the lil red and green boxes, o well, hit all my posts as red, i dont care. i thought they were something else. oops. wasnt trying to harm anyones lil online reputation. oops So since we are back to racing, I have some awesome news. At least I feel it is AWESOME news. I have so far found a lether jacket and a ol racing suit. AND a new tank set is being made and for these 3 gentlemen, I am thrilled for. I knew some great things were to come and I knew I would achieve my goal this year. I have a friend who MAY have found the shifter I need and that is a big burden lifted. I cant wait to be back out on the road riding and stopping to help fellow 2 wheeled riders out. I also just finished a set of carbs I could ve used a little help form you older honda riding guys. So now I have a Harley to work on for a friend and another friend who wants to build a drag bike. His is a Kawasaki so I might need a little help coming up on that aspect. Racing my Harley will be interesting. With the engine being mild to moderate, I am thinking a qtr mile run should be somewhere around 12-14s but who knows. could run 16s or could run 11s. For the rest of this year I will be working mainly on take offs and setting the bike up. Burnouts has me a little worried. hope the brake works great. Im sure a few on here would pay to see me fail but I will get back up and keep on doing it. So as we are back to racing hopefully, I would like to know some info on making a ignition kill cord. Whats the best thing to us? kind of things. I was told that a lot of street guys will just tie a string around the plug wires but that seems like it could go bad real easily. So what yall think?
dude, you really need reading and comprehension skills lessons. Nope, im not mad, you actually helped prove a good solid point. Some folks just cant handle life without having to have everyone doing as they do. its a waste man, let life and people be who they are. but you wont, you will just troll and troll looking for bs to start man, I ahve seen your kind way too often. all you do is sit on the net and troll and harass folks for nothing but to make others as miserable. yer just too cool. a real cool guy. Go look up neck and spine foundation and see what they have to say about the long term stress on your neck that a helmet causes. also look into a lot of things to do with helmets. while they do good, they cause harm. go take your helmet off, ride down the road and hit the brakes. now, go do it again with your helmet and tell me how much more force gets put on your neck. in many cases there has been reported whiplash and severe neck injury from the extra weight on your neck. things to think about for your next post. im sure itll be how retarded i am and how you re too cool to ride with me. a, wouldnt want ya to anyway. b, you re too stuck up to have a good time and c, you seem like a bsa to me. maybe other suck up to ya or follow your pitiful example. I cant see why you havent floated on to another subject where you say the same thing over and over. I see this thread going nowhere. maybe i can delete it and start oa post called troll free good times
ok, wow, that may have read wrong. Ok, i will admit myself, helmets do save a life and they are good for certain happenings. AGAIN, crazy, we have this thing about reading. I stated in racing and off road they keep heads from banging and flying debris. shit, they do that in hockey, football and baseball. so what, helmets are not all bad, they are not all so great either. for every action, theres a counter action. duh, if you go slide down the road/track, a good pair of leathers, boots, gloves and a helmet is really going to be nice. a semi head on at 90, aint gonna friggiin matter. thats my point. it is every persons right to decide. I wouldnt mind wearing one. IF I HAD ONE. I dont. I guess I was lucky. Anyone want to go buy me a helmet, I'll gladly wear it, with certain stipulations. nothing pink, mohawked or anything too exotic. But I dont have one. Even if I had my Bell, I wouldnt wear it on a mc on the street Migit, can ya make that a hooter and come over? hahaha. Anyways, guys if YOU want and what I want was the same, there would be no debates in the word. I know I SHOULD wear helmets and all this but facts are facts. I dont ad I'm here telling you I dont. I will get one asap, how about that? Is that going to drop the helmet subject????
can we get back to racing? these last few posts have NOTHING to do with racing. just saying. i dont judge anyone until they do something for me to judge them, i think id rather be judged when i do something to be judged for. this is a big issue with forums. i tried one a long time ago, it was some all sportster group and it was a foney drama session, id really rather not go through that bs again
go back and re read that post. i NEVER ONCE said I refuse to wear a lid. I just dont HAVE ONE. I will have to find my old info though. Just to prove something about helmets. My Bell I used in car racing was stolen. a badass bell dominator. but you can call Shoei, Simpson, Vega, and the Kentucky Bikers Association and talk to Jay Huber about helmets. The best quality helmet, is ONLY gurenteed for 12mph. If a 5 ft 9 inch man or woman falls from standing up forward, they fall at 17mph. I was part of going to the KY state cap in the later half of the 90s to lobby against helmet laws. It shouldnt be mandatory. Its your brain, you do with it as you please. Now with that said, would it be SAFER to wear a helmet and shorts n a wife beater OR pants, and no helmet? answer, neither. You're on a mc, if you hit the front end of a school bus at 60-80mph, how well is that helmet going to protect ya? OR, say you are riding down the road, minding your own business and you have on your full body leathers, a helmet, neck brace, gloves, racing boots and a life jacket just added i for kicks and some jerk runs a red light and smashes you with their prius, you tell me how good all that gear is when your chest is through your back and your legs and head gets torn off. just saying. not always are helmets a good thing. Now one more piece of verified facts, a helmet without an accident is worse than not. think of the air pressure lifting on the bottom of the lid and pushing your neck back. puts a lot of presure on your neck. again, just saying. I have no problems with helmets but its MY right to decide. do you understand what im getting at? not trying to be rude but just some facts for you. Now, off in the woods or a race track, you wear a helmet so your brain pan dont smack up against a roll bar or flying debris dont take your face off. it would be dumb to go lidless in the woods because branches sticking out and rocks and dirt flying. i think it is up to the rider. if YOU hurt yourself and your brain comes leaking out, its YOUR fault, not mine, but if you ride a lot and later in life you have a major neck issue, again, your decision. i dont care who wants or dont want to ride with me. thats a real motorcyclists words right there. o wait, i dont know ANY bikers who would not ride with someone because they dont wear a lid. if they do that, they re a fony. bikes are bikes and bikers are bikers. there are a lot of different types of each out there. see what i mean man?
well crazy, yes i called you a troll, why? well, its not hard to figure that out. I am a pleasent friendly person, I have been working on bikes , race cars and hot rods all my life. ive only polished 1000 wheels and bumpers, polishing with air is not a good idea. unless you have a great compressor, an adjustable die grinder and a whole shit load of time to fix what you mess up with too much speed. Id still choose my dremel and buffer over air anyday. the worst part of polishing, removing all the defects, wow, that can be easy or very rough. you are correct on the rouge though, i wouldnt mess with simischrome though, i have a compound i make that works wanders. but to take the rouge to a higher leverl, start with the brown and switch wheels and go to the white rouge. im not here to argue or fault find. just a suggestion and answering a guys post. polished aluminum looks way better than chrome. and lighter too
2wheel, i guess ill have to snap some pics. i HAVE seen dudes wearing flip flops and tank tops. i see ALL DAY the geniuses who wear cut off shorts, wife beaters and full face lids. reallly? does that make ANY sense? i dont think it does but i dont get all leathered up either, i wear my jeans for now and maybe chaps if its raining or cold and a t shirt or my HD team racing jacket. not the smartest of things to wear but, its what i have. Crazy, dude i dont have to stick my wang in a dudes ass to know i wouldnt like it. sorry man, i dont bust anyones chops for what they want to ride. ok, maybe one of my friends but hell, they know if something goes wrong, they'll bring it to me first. i mainly dont like the way 'other than old Harleys' look or sound. that and I love and always have loved chopped and fast Harleys. lets drop the brand stuff. its like having a piss in the wind contest. nothing is done and everyone gets wet. know what i mean? Bad, ok, bust balls all ya want, i dont care. i dont need teachers teaching me how to spell or write. its life. ya know what i mean when i type it. all is forgiven, just let the forum be about mc riding, racing, building, whatever, as long as its mc related. Now i guess its time to go take some pics of the shorts n tank top riders and the Sons Of Anarchy guys, I wont even get started on that shit. There are too many 15 mile bikers in the world. im here to learn, talk to others, get ideas and maybe help others out if I can. I dont know a whole lot about much but i know a little about a lot. now back to wrenching on my old harley. it might not be pretty, it might not be new, it might not be fast but its all me and mine. id rather get along and maybe even meet up with yall and go catch some wind in the hair, lay down some rubber and make gas into noise and pleasure
im guessing you are just a mean spirited troll. hey PAL, guess what, i started RACING at the age of 7. just because im an ASIRING DRAG RACER, doesnt mean much. i started in dirt Karts, then moved up to a dirt late model. thanks. and no i dont have a job, i make money but legally, im not allowed to work until 2014. so back off man. Helmutt is correct there. it does take a while to get the casting roughness out, unless its already been polished. i hand sand, hand polish and then hit with dremel and a buffer. not too hard. BUT as helmutt said, it takes a lot of work and if you ride often, you will regret it. as a racer, you go for looks too. just because guys will help you more if your machine is all shiny and purty. and i would NEVER EVER EVER use an air compressor to do any polishing. first, too inconsistent of speeds when pressure goes. too much water in lines unless you have a dryer so when you're polishing and water gets all over, good luck with that mess. the best thing if you want shine and less work, get you some mothers and one of those polishing balls. might get you a shine at a cheaper and quicker rate
yall can be mad at him or me. but you know its true. every brand or style of bike has its own crowd. Sorry fellas but the straight bill hat cocked sideways i see a lot of the crotch rocketeers wearing, woooow. not making fun though, just confused. I will give harley riders one big thing, they dont have the habit of wearing flip flops, a tank top, cut off cargo shorts and..... A FULL FACE HELMET. yall know you make fun of the ones who do that. I know I do. nothing personal but, come on... a helmet aint gonna do much good when you lay a bike down at 60-90mph in SHORTS and flip flops or running shoes. but the COOL GUYS of the mc world crack me up. weather its the Harley dudes and buying every item with HD on it and go riding 20miles a year or the dudes in shorts and tennis shoes wearing their backpacks and ff helmets. shit, i havent ever wore a helmet on the street. mainly, i dont have one but my hockey helmet. i dont wear shorts on a bike because ive rode 90 miles in a hail n rain storm and had amny things pop up and hit my legs. dont wear gym shoes to ride becuase they will not make it if you slide on them. Crazyskullcrusher, im not against riding a jap or brit bike. not at all. id ride anything 2 wheels in all honesty. i just PREFER OLD Harleys. im sure ill ride my friends ol honda. maybe not, the front end has NO suspension. springs are GONE. ive ridden yamahas in the woods and hd's on the street. i only have my harley because the guy traded me his bike for my car.
o my god, you just gave me an ann-yer-ism (cant remember that spelling) o shit i was laughing my ass off. well. i am a bit on the small side. 5ft 8 i think. not real small put i can shrink. hahaha. why not. my name in school was short round. I had a short temper and not so tall. hell, i didnt hit 5ft til i was 15-16. my wife, shes the short one, 5' 2. i could def pass as a mentally handicap midget. the worlds tallest AND weirdest midget
its the same at national trails, can wear jeans for test n tune. some tracks require leathers no matter what and I plan on running a few tracks. just to see which one has the most bikes and the most competition. that and I have family all over ohio and KY so I will be doing a lot of racing around ohio and KY. might hit indy and a few other tracks also just to go do it. ill be testing and tunning for the rest of this year and then next season, im going to try to run at least twice a week all season. I also had an offer for a set of leather so it will be one of those better safe than sorry deals. i was going to just use the chick leather pants i got on sale but they are too small so im having them resewn when i can find someone to do it for me. need to add an inch to waist and since they will be cutting them, having the zipper taken out and use buttons and moving the flap from right side (chicks0 to left (mens)
leather pants still there? idk if they re legal for drag racing. i was told they must be full leather. and is size 30 the same a 30" waist? idk much about how they size these pants.
mmmmmm. might just have to grab this. i spent a week in december in the rain. that sucked. killed my leather jacket i had. killed chaps but i revived them. i live in columbus so if its still here on the 4th when i get paid, i will have to scoop this up
yeah i see that. i JUST got on this forum like a week ago. I just happen to see this and got all jacked up, dammit man!. thanks though, i might try ol iron pony and see if they have anything on closeout racks.
2fat, i know. I watched them remove the rails on youtube, i think.... i seen that they were putting in the concrete barriers. I have been to kilkare but that was many years ago. And the ONLY reason I even debated trying to run street at KK that weekend, it was a 20 dollar entry fee. not bad. but i talked to a few folks and they HIGHLY suggested I DO NOT try that weekend. Maybe next year I can do it. I plan on being out at national trails before July is over. might have found a shifter that ive been searching for. if so, it might be by the 4th of july. which would be cool since that is my one year anni with my ol CHopster. I need to find some clip on handlebars like a japanese bike has on the race bikes. cant find a set for my 35mm showas though and cant post an ad here for a few more weeks.