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Posts posted by F4iguy

  1. The date code is a four digit code. The first two represent week of the year so 01 to 52 and the last two are the year, 09, 10, 11, etc. the compounds are either a three or four digit code. I found this on another site.

    195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (8827/7827/7614)soft up to 40° Asphalt

    I am guessing the temps are Celsius? I've noticed a lot of tire info is on UK websites.
  2. Not only can the vehicle handle the tongue weight, but can the hitch. The weight is effectively more because the weight is hanging farther back and creates a lever action. It could rip the hitch mount right off unless reinforced.

  3. Just picked up Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatsch.  Barely started into it, but I'm hoping it takes more of a track oriented turn, because it has street based for the first two chapters.

    Read it a few years ago and re-read it last year. Covers both street and track, but worth it. Has some good explanations of many techniques we use at the track.

  4. Discount is available using code 25riding15. Enjoy!! I'm going to pick up a few.


    I got mine!  Can't wait for summer!


    As noted in an earlier post, the code may expire at the end of the month,  I'm not 100% sure.  Don't procrastinate!

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