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Eye of Cy

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Everything posted by Eye of Cy

  1. I camp on the bike alot, prolly 12-15 times a year. Mostly BMW rallies and up to 10 days at a time. I have got my packing down to a science but it is still quite a load. a big soft sided cooler is the way to go, I pack camping gear, clothes whatever into it then unload it at the site and fill with beer. I will cruise the campsite until I find someone with a truck or big car. Strike up a conversation and offer them cash to fetch me a load of firewood. Most people are friendly enough to do it no charge. I always try to get a campsite with electric. Good for charging up electronics, I even pack a small electric quartz heater when it is going to get below 40. One of the greatest camping items I have found is a small lithium ion battery powered speaker for partying music. plugs into your phone or, on mine, has a slot for a memory card. I take the 8gig card full of mp3s out of my GPS and plut it into the speaker. The sound and bass that comes out of this little thing is amazing! http://www.amazon.com/SHARKK-Portable-Bluetooth-Blackberry-Rechargeable/dp/B009N1RV9U/ref=sr_1_32?ie=UTF8&qid=1384128559&sr=8-32&keywords=portable+speaker I'll keep checking out this thread in hopes that we can get together for some camping in the near future.
  2. Eye of Cy


    From the album: Bike Garage

    Somewhere on the Blue Ridge Parkway NC
  3. Eye of Cy

    Bike Garage

  4. Eye of Cy


    From the album: Bike Garage

    Top of Mt. Battie, Camden Maine
  5. Eye of Cy


    From the album: Bike Garage

    At the Green Mountain radio telescope, Cass WV
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