I hate to bring a thread back from the dead, but I just wanted to let everyone know I have a GROM and I want to make myself available to any questions anyone might have. I am 5' 7", 212 lbs and the bike will get me up to 68 mph on level terrain, but 60 is a more realistic, achievable number. I am also getting 128 mpg. When I am really thrashing it, I get about 98. It's an absolute blast to ride. The Vee Rubber tires (stock) are complete garbage on anything except perfectly dry asphalt. Combine the crap tires with the fact that the bike weighs a little less than 220 pounds (I shed some weight) and it makes for a really sketchy ride in the rain. If you see me riding around the Milford, Loveland, Fairfield, Goshen and even Blanchester areas, feel free to stop me and take a look. I get stopped nearly every time I take the thing out.