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Aaron White

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Everything posted by Aaron White

  1. I am perfectly fine with some ball-busting! I appreciate it, everyone.
  2. If you get on either of the GROM forums (just Google them), there are some for sale used. My GT250 is a hoot to ride, also. I love sitting at lights next to hybrids in a big blue cloud of smoke. The thing only gets about 35 mpg, too.
  3. Hello, all. I am a 29 year old Marine Corps veteran. I work in quality control, EHS, and physical security for a company in Fairfield. I have owned several bikes in the past, but currently the stable only contains a 1973 Suzuki GT250 and a 2014 Honda GROM. In the past I have owned: 2008 Suzuki Boulevard M50 2009 CBR600RR 2006 Honda CBR600F4i 1983 Honda NH80 Aero 1997 Yamaha YZF600R 2003 Suzuki GSX-R 600 Manco Thunderbird Various scooters and mopeds I am sure I have forgotten some here and there, but these are the main ones that I put any real saddle time on. During the Summer I can usually be found at the Kroger cruise in off of 28 in Milford and some of the Quaker Steak bike night events. I was only able to bring the GROM to a small handful of events this year because I got it in August.
  4. I hate to bring a thread back from the dead, but I just wanted to let everyone know I have a GROM and I want to make myself available to any questions anyone might have. I am 5' 7", 212 lbs and the bike will get me up to 68 mph on level terrain, but 60 is a more realistic, achievable number. I am also getting 128 mpg. When I am really thrashing it, I get about 98. It's an absolute blast to ride. The Vee Rubber tires (stock) are complete garbage on anything except perfectly dry asphalt. Combine the crap tires with the fact that the bike weighs a little less than 220 pounds (I shed some weight) and it makes for a really sketchy ride in the rain. If you see me riding around the Milford, Loveland, Fairfield, Goshen and even Blanchester areas, feel free to stop me and take a look. I get stopped nearly every time I take the thing out.
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