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    Akron, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    2012 Ninja 650

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  1. I will be there! Probably, most likely...yeah...ok
  2. I don't see a # in the first post? Anyway, I'm heading out, so maybe next time.
  3. You still planning a berlin run tomorrow? I was thinking of going down for breakfast to boyd and wurthmann on main st. Just because I like to seek out local establishments and patronize. Im in akron and will probably head down 241 through massillon.
  4. Bubba's right, it's hard to call anything "waterproof", so water resistant is more accurate. I just copied the title from the website. They are a bit thicker, but there is a removable quilted lining. Riding in warmer temps would not be recommended. I bought thinking I would wear over my work pants to work so I wouldn't have to change, but I found changing out of jeans to be more convenient for me.
  5. Still for sale. Forgot to mention, size Large. $40 anyone?
  6. Welcome! The valley is nice to cruise through if you don't want to wander too far from home, as are many roads to the SE & SW of Canton.
  7. New, never worn. $50, located in portage lakes. Here's a link to the website I purchased from. http://www.jafrum.com/motorcycle-pants/mens-pants/LP2821?quantity=1&custcol7=52
  8. Just a basic swingarm stand as you can see in the pic. Originally bought from harbor freight and I do believe they make spool attachments, but never searched since it was used on a spool-less CBR250. Widest width is approx 9.5" and narrowest is 5". Pick up in portage lakes (not literally), make an offer...
  9. I love this idea! I couldn't make it Sat due to time constraints and I knew the ride would be all day. Now, over a weekend would be perfect. Stay the night and camp or just pop in for a few hrs each day, go for a couple rides and just hang out.
  10. This model is not water/weather proof and I'll have to check on the speed display.
  11. Bought March of this year and didn't use it as much as I thought I would. Windshield suction cup mount and car charger included. $60 for all Ram mount cradle specific for the Nuvi 40. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/201174048519?lpid=82 Stem mount. Obviously I had to cut the rubber piece to fit my bike (Ninja 650) so a replacement will probably be needed if this kind of mount is your intended purpose. I will have to search, but I think I still have the other pieces that came in the kit. http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045051052050085/Default.aspx Ram short arm 2.38" swivel http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065080045066045050048049085045065/Default.aspx This is the best pic I have at the moment.
  12. I'll have to agree with the 250/300 as the best starter, only because that's what I started on (2011 CBR250). Sure, I wanted to buy a more powerful and faster bike but I had never ridden a street bike before. I applied some common sense to what the possible outcome would be on the street if I panicked and got myself into trouble. I figured a 250 is lighter, more manageable and more forgiving. I had 3900 miles of fun that year and one of the best summer's I've had in a long time. I never felt overwhelmed or out of control; it truly was a perfect starter bike in my eyes. I still have it and have wanted to sell it after getting my Ninja 650, then I'd go for a ride and change my mind. I've gone back and forth several times.
  13. Josh, if I'm able to make it we can meet up for the ride down. I'm in the akron area...
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