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Posts posted by mosci

  1. omg ... a pencil can be deadly too ;)

    I'm aware of this - but this is mostly happened when people act stupid ... and recharge overdiscarged lipos ... or because people used demaged lipos

    (or they just want to make a action-loaded video :D )


    some of the older boxes from derek (the servo driven gyrocam like in this original posts but for gopro => http://revenanteagle.org/checksix/gopro-gyrocam/)

    get's broke on some racetrack-crashes ... but none of them is exploded ;)

    or they simply fellt off like here


    most real racebikes don't even have a battery - or also a LiFePo Battery only for starting the engine - you can use this also to power the gyrocam ... but it's not safer at all

    what power-source is used is up to everyone himself - i prefer lipo-batteries ... they are small, cheap, fast charged, and deviler enough power over a long range of time.

  2. this video shows 3 testrides ... with different gyro-integration settings (and minor other changes)

    the lower video (gyro=200) shows the best setting for 'standard speed' (between 50 and 150 km/h) I have found so far

    I would like to have equal good results on the racetrack to get satisfied

  3. yes yes and yes

    yes, the brushless-gimbal can be used ... I started with that too

    but for me it was zu big and unhandy ... so I decided to build it smaller and with a stronger motor to make it possible to use a gopro with the housing.


    yes, it can be powered from the motorcycle battery or from a 3S LiPo-Accu


    yes, the gyro should be calibrated on startup - but must not be - you can disable this within the software-gui but I recomend to calibrate at least the

    gyro on startup - so this is the default setting.


    I heared it often that people like to build a metall-housing - but what for?

    the laser-sintered nylon is very strong and lightweight - I just don't see the need to spend more money for no benefit.


    In a few weeks I will put a partlist and maybe also a small howto to the public on my facebook-site - but fist I have to find better settings

    for racetracks - for now I have only found good settings for usual roads at normal speed ... roadracing and racetrack settings have to be found ...

    and last but not least I will sell a couple of these units to get a part of my input back.


    pure material costs (including the plastic) is arround 200$ (without accu and charger)

    there is no soldering needed but 2 cable-connectres have to crimped on ... but it's not such a big deal

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