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    2014 899 , 2015 675R
    2013 R6 2006 675

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  1. hahahahahah I'll be back sweet tits don't worry
  2. Both in great shape and the TRS has pins for Daytona 675. Like to sell both for 300 picked up text me 216 seven 72 9313 for pics Josiah
  3. i have two for sale $120 each hit me up 217 772 9313
  4. Dont hate Dobbertin ! i gotta get something so i can TRY to keep up with you. 😄
  5. Sorry for the late reply i didn't see this . Its not really for sale actively but i would wouldn't mind getting a R6
  6. I won't be able to use them all this year Hit me up if you are interested. 216 772 9313
  7. They are ! I got there Monday for the private twilight prepared to camp because i registered for the next day. At about 4pm they said over the loud speaker that the next day was canceled. I think they dont want bikes there and are trying to deter people. They have a new rule if not enough people pre register they just cancel the day . I kinda understand that but......now it makes people more afraid to sign up. So i plan to take off work and set up m schedule just for you to pull the plug at 4pm the day before? No thanks! Or i cant imaging people who traveled far to get there . Track is garbage so of course nobody signs up. There is always a risk of rain but other orgs/tracks sell out weeks in advanced because you could ride if you wanted. Even with full on wets nobody is riding Mid Ohio. I plan on have a full wet set up next year because i will ride in the rain if need be just not there .
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