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Everything posted by TheMrWes

  1. The 69 needs a full frame off resto and the 70 needs new rings and both require time which we don't have currently. But were shooting for fall on the 70 442
  2. Haven't quite figured out how to add pics and I'm also working off my iPhone. Promising pics Friday when I get home!! Sorry about the nopic lamesauceness
  3. Okay so I am shooting to not make this "suck" so my noob ass can get some access to the rest of the forum! Let's start by why I am here. Clay and Carl are two of many guys I met at the Columbus Cars and Coffee event last Saturday and they told me to get on here to feed my car crazy. So as a result, I'm here to hang out with all you people and make new friends that are just as bonkers for anything with an engine and wheels as I am! Who I am. I am a 29 y/o guy who won the wife jackpot (she enables my auto addiction) with 2 furry four legged kids and no real babies because the wife refuses to remove the goalie... Yes I want children so I can transfer my car crazy to them as my father did for me! I don't street race because I love my almost non existing insurance premium. The car collection- between my father and I we have some interesting stuff. Last Saturday I brought our 1992 Olds Achieva SCX with 22k original miles to Columbus Cars and Coffee at Lennox. This weekend look for me in my 1986 Pontiac Fiero 2m4 daily driver (red). The rest of the list is as follows 69 Hurst/Olds, 70 442 W30, 1984 Cutlass t-top car, 1986 Ford F350 Dually (Edna), 1988 Oldsmobile Calais Quad4, 1993 Achieva SCX, 1995 oldsmobile cutlass convt, 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco 6speed manual. Now if you see me in person out and about at car events please come say hi and talk my ear off about cars! I am a people person and love chatting it up about anything fast and loud!! I am a bit wild and crazy and not always politically correct because where is the fun in that??!?! So let's light this campfire, open a few beers and see how long it takes for shit to get weird!! I love Bacon! Bye TheMrWes!
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