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Everything posted by TheMrWes

  1. I wish it happened in a parking lot so I had some place to search. It was parked on the street so the dream robber could be anywhere.
  2. To whomever decided to hit my car, leave the scene and leave no info or note.... I recommend you eat French fries that give you herpes or mouthwash that gives you poison ivy. Thanks to your act of dickholeness Now I have to put money aside for a total re-paint because I have no idea what my paint code is due to the car not being the original color. The nerve of some people! Just glad I didn't take my wife's car to work yesterday. My nuts would be starting up a permanent residence inside her purse if it happened to her car. Happened yesterday between 2-3p on Silver Bow Drive in Hilliard. Police report had been made.
  3. I'm 30 and I need a helmet while driving any car to keep myself from licking the windows..
  4. I like it, unique vehicle. I wonder if you can drive it with only having a motorcycle license since it's a three wheeler..
  5. That's awesome! It was a slick car to see!
  6. Okay I'll drive one for you! Lol
  7. By no means do I have any intention of violence. That is not the kind of person I am. You have assholes everywhere and I'd rather nip it in the bud here if by chance there is anyone like that watching. I'd rather befriend everyone I meet not make enemies.
  8. I'd like to mention one thing. As some of you my see me at events like cc&c or donating my time as a photog at G clubs PTSD Awareness event. I'd like to say this, if you have the intention to come up to me and joke around about my noob mistakes here on CR that's fine I'm an easy goin guy and can roll with the punches. But if you have the intention on being rude to me and or hostile please think twice because insulting me here is fun and games but if you were to do it to me in front of my wife you wouldn't get a warm response. Please think twice before being rude with out actually knowing me personally. Thank you.
  9. Yea they don't list my Oldsmobile club meet that's coming in September either.
  10. Here's a link for up coming car shows, cruise ins and events around Ohio. I figure most of you know about them but didn't see any posting with a list this detailed. http://www.oldride.com/events/ohio_2014.html?mn=6 Enjoy
  11. It looked like a street legal track car. Same guy who owns that owns the white Mercedes. Nice guy but didn't get the chance to ask about the car, he was bombarded by people all day.
  12. Yea not one to cry in a corner as you can see. I can own up to my mistakes and take the public stoning.:fuckyeah:
  13. Yea I was using cr in the same way but it all kinda fell together into on big lump of angry. And I'm a Grandview graduate... "Arlington".
  14. I'll put up a photo bucket album and pm you a link. Will be NWS.
  15. Thank you Carl! I proudly say the same about you my friend!
  16. This includes burning me and my dignity. My nuts are still smoldering as you all can clearly see. :nutkick:
  17. Yea I am usually not one to be offended or on guard. But for some reason my vagina decided to bleed out pretty hard that day. I put my tampon in straight and took some midol.
  18. Yup I was having a shit day after it started good at cc&c. Personal family problems. But Being the dumb new guy not knowing he was picking a fight with the creator of cr. I deserve this. Even though I took the time to read everything about rules and how CR works guess I didn't take the time to process it through my thick skull... CONGRATS TO THEMRWES! You are the dumb shit noob who did a fantastic job of looking like a fucktard really quickly!! Let the pointing and laughing continue
  19. Okay first, if you read above I stated that I will include anyone who wants to make an effort to participate. Second if there can be groups for motorcycles and "trolls" I feel that there should be a group for people who have an interest in specific types of autos. I started this because finding a club for my car "fiero" is impossible in Columbus. I have had no intention in leaving people out. If anyone is offended well my apologies but I refuse to be bullied! I may be new to Columbus racing but I am in no way new to the car scene and forums. I am a nice person and will befriend anyone but do not take kindly to people strong arming me because they feel inferior! If anyone has a direct issue with me please feel free to approach me. I am more than willing to listen to your concern and find middle ground with you.
  20. Yes because nothing rhymes with its color and I wanna drive it for some strange and self gratifying reason
  21. :nutkick: yea having fun sucks
  22. Don't be mad at me bro, be mad at your back seat. (Just playin) I'd be happy to make some exceptions for people who actually want to take the time to join and participate
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